Few odd replies here, but we're all different...
Been to Bali like 9 times or so, always stay in Kuta or once or twice Legian, will leave the luxury resorts and hills for the old fogeys or those who can't handle a bit of noise...
These days even with the people swearing off everywhere, even the US till the next President, i take the approach of you won't change those minds and anyway great, more reward seats and cheaper hotels for everyone else...
South America is of course great, been twice and will go back for more even if i did have my wallet swiped or lost it on Day 3 of a 2.5 month RTW trip back in 2011... You live and you learn from these experiences, but then I am of a relatively decent size and keep my wits about me as to my surroundings so maybe that means less scraps and problems but now and then i have to raise my voice or cover my pockets...
Russia is probably the place i had the least favourable personal interactions as they are a grumpy, rude bunch i find... Even travelling around Europe they seem to vomit out of buses with the blokes acting like He-Men and the women painted up like... Ah probably leave it at that... But still might go back, mulling over even the trans Siberian perhaps and want to visit some of the Stans at some point... Would like to do Iran etc but will probably wait till its off the US no go list as just not the worth the hassle...
Won't go to NK till that a**hole is swinging and had a chance to visit Zimbabwe several years back but not with Mugabe... Nice he's gone but pity he didn't have a nasty ending, you can still live in hope...
So not too many places occur to me not to go to, probably a patch of those Western African nations, some may be shorter visits than others...

But I have a long list of places to go and it never seems to get shorter so we will see..