Just dont get your car washed by them(Melb), had my one week old car washed by them and they left fine scratches all over the car. The car had never been washed before and they told me that it wasnt caused by them and that it must have been there before. Told me they gop over the car and highlight any marks or scracthes when they recieve the cars. Their paperwork indicated that my car had scratches on the right hand side wheels, so they had obviously done the correct procedure. I asked the manager to show me the scratched on my wheels, which she couldnt find cause I didnst have any.
Anyway after two weeks of arguing with the management to get the car fixed, all it required waas a cut and polish(which cost me $500), they offered me some more free valets and washes, yeah thanks cause I want you to mess my car up more.
Just my experience, parking should be fine, but avoid wash at all costs!