Amazing how great those high-taxing, "welfare state" countries become when you want to go cherry picking.
But this is just more hypocritical disingenuity.
While it's true that countries like Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland and Finland have no centrally legislated minimum wage, they do have very strong collective bargaining agreements between workers, [often local] government and employers that negotiate minimum wages within industries, which are then applied to all workers regardless of whether or not they are part of the unions. They also tend to have very strong protections for workers rights and, of course, very strong social services and publicly funded institutions.
Why don't we pick a few of those low-taxing, financial-services countries you seem to like that do have a minimum wage ? Say, Luxemborg and Monaco. How badly are they going ?
Or maybe we should pick some other industrious, innovative and highly productive countries, the kind every capitalist should love ? Say, Japan and Israel.
Now there's some weapons-grade irony !
Unfortunately for all the greedy psychopaths out there, all the data also demonstrates higher taxes, minimum wages and unions do nothing to slow economic growth or constrain prosperity either. The USA's post-WW2 golden years had massively high taxes, regulations and strong unions compared to the last few decades. As you have conveniently shown above, countries with high taxes, strong social welfare support systems, public institutions (eg: Finland has no private schools) and strong unions also manage to not be apocalyptic wastelands.
What minimum wages (and strong workers rights) do achieve is smaller wealth gaps, lower levels of inequality and greater class mobility. Which is why countries without them tend to have wide (and/or increasing) wealth gaps, high inequality, low social mobility, and usually a structurally impoverished underclass of working poor.
Ultimately, if you can't pay your employees minimum wage - which exists to set a floor on acceptable living standards - then your business model is broken. You either need to charge more, take less profit, or pay others less.