Some time back I was on SQ on a night flight back to MEL.
I had a grumpy, poorly dressed couple next to me in the block of 3 adjacent to the window. I was in the aisle seat.
Shortly after cruise, the woman went and spoke to a flight attendant, who then asked me to move. I assume the woman said she needed more room. We hadn't had any interaction, but from his clothes, the gent was a bogan.
The female cabin crew said to me the only seat (in economy) was in the last row, an aisle next to a window. So I moved.
In the circumstances, should I have politely said 'if you'd like me to move can you please find me a business class seat?' or is that sort of request completely over the top? At the time, I didn't think of saying it, as I was more interested in meekly complying.
I don't know if J was full. From memory it was a B773.