Why don't more Australians visit Guam or Saipan for holidays?

Would love to go - I'm a keen diver. But wayyyyy too expensive - why bother when the diving is as good or better in Indonesia which is cheaper and easier to get to, with much better food?
Its like diving in warm bath water and you were looking or thermoclines to find something cooler after a while

We went to Yap to see manta rays - the mantas were better at Lady Elliot Island (from Harvey Bay/QLD)
So WWII and diving the only attractions? Difficult to get there with lots of Korean and Japanese tourists.
I did not mean to offend, I just genuinely do not understand so many peoples fascination with America. No cheap shot implied.
Actually being Kiwi born (but now living in Oz) I wasn’t actually offended at all and not particularly enamoured with many things about America at the moment. But while it’s nowhere near at the top of my list of places to go (notwithstanding I did recently spend a couple of days in SF), I can see there are a few things that people may find attractive. Just not me so much.
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I do not understand why anyone would wish to go to America over NZ, but that is just me and I am glad we are all different. Perhaps I will go there one day

I’ve been to both. It was never about picking one over the other. NZ 5 times. US about 10 times. Both were great. Having experienced what there is to see in the US, I have no intention of never going back. Anyway, horses for courses.
I did not mean to offend, I just genuinely do not understand so many peoples fascination with America. No cheap shot implied.

Its a vast, geographically diverse country, very beautiful and easy to get around (if you drive ...). Cities pretty fascinating too. And as many have observed, Americans at home are nothing like the stereotype. And if you still can't stand the people, then just immerse in the wilderness areas and National Parks. After going there maybe 20 times for extended trips, I still have places I want to see.
America is so fascinating that hoards of us are going there despite the miserable exchange rate making it a rather expensive proposition. It is, IMO, a terrific place to visit for so many reasons.
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