I think we expect a bit of "we know *decorum*" while in the "special" zone of J.
But of course, these days, everyone with the points, or the nous will be in J.
Years ago, its only people who paid for it that were in J.
You acted a certain way, a special nod between those in that "glorified" pointy end, that there are certain things that are "common sense(sical) not allowed".
Same as the lounge, remember when they used to have computers in the middle of the ADL QP/J lounge, when you didn't have kids running around like their own playground", but, well, nowadays, anything goes.
Painting toenails or fingernails on a plane, putting feet through the J seat gap, feet on seats, feet on bulkhead...
Sad lot of events, that a lot of no no things are no considered as "normal"/run of the mill.