As others have said, the entire HBA airport is is need of a knock down rebuild but delayed by in action. The MONA effect has yet to flow thru - unless they’re thinking having a large cough machine you can walk through was a good idea?
Hobart Airport is already a cough machine that you walk through. Or maybe that’s what you meant?
The rest of the airport ain't that bad. I actually like the stores and cafes both airside and landside. Really it's the broom closet QF has the audacity to call a lounge that is in need of a major reno. I suppose the real question now is how easily QF could expand its lounge and what would be a reasonable size for such a lounge?
The rest of the airport IS that bad. For instance, I’m not sure whether you realise, but it only got halfway through its last ‘upgrade’ before they abandoned it, so the whole thing is a mess. ‘Temporary’ wooden seating. Bag retrieval right down one extreme end of the terminal is just one design issue. No air bridges is a long-standing issue and one thing airport management says won’t be rectified any time soon. When did Townsville airport get airbridges? 30 years ago? No cover to the cattle runs, so in the possible 350m walk in the open to the plane, you get blown by the wind and maybe drenched.
If a plane or two gets delayed in departure or departs out of schedule in the apron becomes congested. Sometimes incoming planes have to wait beyond the apron, waiting for a spot in which to park. Sometimes they run out of ramps to get up to the aircraft, so it’s steps all the way.
They lengthened the runway a couple of years ago, to take larger, Int’l jets, but didn’t make the runway strong enough to allow those larger jets to take off fully laden.

A Qantas Antarctica joy flight from Hobart to Hobart had to leave Hobart and go to Melbourne, fully fuel there and then depart again before it could fly towards Antarctica.
The QP could in theory be expanded by pushing it back is curved back wall out into the area which is currently a pretty under used waiting area. This used to be the Qantas baggage carousel area until they move that to the far far far other end of the terminal.
In respect of the airport, there is no Virgin lounge at all, mainly, I believe, because the airport authorities want too much rent for the area, the footprint of the terminal being so small so they charge a premium.
/rant! And yes I’m happy to rise to any bait people want to put out regarding the Hobart Qantas Lounge. I also enjoy bagging Hobart Airport, so keep them coming folks.