As per others, I do not have photos, but I have an excuse for this - was about 40 years ago when cameras were a special thing
I was a child, travelling from Australia to Chile. Everything was long then (many stops) but even then we did this the long way - from Australia to the USA then down via Brazil and Argentina to get to Chile. And it was in economy - back then travel was exceptional even in Y, premium cabins were for the uber rich.
I had done similar travel before, but for some reason the planets coincided so that on EVERY single flight the only meal choice left was chicken. I do like chicken but three days of only this can jade even the devout.
On the last flight, EZE (Buenos Aires) to SCL (Santiago, Chile) yet agian the meal was chicken. But it was not the chicken I thought of when reading this thread. On that flight there was, on the meal tray, next to the chicken, a steaming pile of some shredded green thing that amazed me.
To this day, I have pondered over this, yet I still cannot decide if this green thing was spinach or seaweed. I do love spinach, I also enjoy seaweed. But this pile defied my comprehension. Many things point to a spinach conclusion - in those days fancy things were not the norm - I think back then Neil Perry was still inspiring haircuts and not cuisine. Likewise things from the sea had not yet had their nutritional qualities identified.
But i recall very clearly that I very carefully examined/tasted/tested this thing on my plate. For most of the flight. (nothing else to do - no such thing as IFE then)
And my conclusion at the end was simple. I resigned to the fact that I would never resolve the mystery as to the real identity, but I also realised that there could be not ever anything so bad offerred to me as "food". Now, so many years later, I have had to eat things from armadillo to bad tripe, but this green monster is the only thing that manages to haunt my dreams........