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Ash Jamez, like many I too hope that you will be granted a visa. You are going about it the correct way: well done.
It's entirely unlikely offshore records are available in USA.
Short answer; by asking and saying no and getting approval pretty much infers they don't know
AFP would hold commonwealth offences. Whether they hold all State-based convictions is a moot point
BESIDE moral turpitude means what ?
i do like this view which probably been posted before but this is a long thread
some criminal offences in Australia aren't inside the US Defintion.
The I94W / ESTA no longer directly refers to "Moral Turpitude".
What is ‘moral turpitude’?
Our Helpline receives many calls from individuals looking for a definition of ‘moral turpitude’. By looking through the Consular guidance given to officials to help them decide whether to give someone a visa to the US or not, we have been able to identify a number of convictions that would not be classed as ‘moral turpitude’.
Crimes against property which do not fall within the definition of moral turpitude
(1) Damaging private property (where intent to damage not required);
(2) Breaking and entering (requiring no specific or implicit intent to commit a crime involving moral turpitude);
(3) Passing bad checks (where intent to defraud not required);
(4) Possessing stolen property (if guilty knowledge is not essential);
(5) Joy riding (where the intention to take permanently not required); and
(6) Juvenile delinquency
Crimes committed against governmental authority, which would not constitute moral turpitude for visa-issuance purposes
(1) Black market violations;
(2) Breach of the peace;
(3) Carrying a concealed weapon;
(4) Desertion from the Armed Forces;
(5) Disorderly conduct;
(6) Drunk or reckless driving;
(7) Drunkenness;
(8) Escape from prison;
(9) Failure to report for military induction;
(10) False statements (not amounting to perjury or involving fraud);
(11) Firearms violations;
(12) Gambling violations;
(13) Immigration violations;
(14) Liquor violations;
(15) Loan sharking;
(16) Lottery violations;
(17) Possessing burglar tools (without intent to commit burglary);
(18) Smuggling and customs violations (where intent to commit fraud is absent);
(19) Tax evasion (without intent to defraud); and
(20) Vagrancy.
Crimes committed against the person, family relationship, or sexual morality which do not involve moral turpitude
(1) Assault (simple) (i.e., any assault, which does not require an evil intent or depraved motive, although it may involve the use of a weapon, which is neither dangerous nor deadly);
(2) Illegitimacy (i.e., the offense of begetting an illegitimate child);
(3) Creating or maintaining a nuisance (where knowledge that premises were used for prostitution is not necessary);
(4) Incest (when a result of a marital status prohibited by law);
(5) Involuntary manslaughter (when killing is not the result of recklessness);
(6) Libel;
(7) Mailing an obscene letter;
(8) Mann Act violations (where coercion is not present);
(9) Riot; and
(10) Suicide (attempted).
Hi lovemehateme and welcome to AFF.
'Disgruntled former boss made a false allegation' doesn't seem like it fits within grounds for the US to pick up anything. I'd not go into the whole 'psycho' boss thing... just 'disgruntled' and 'nothing eventuated' sounds less dramatic. I can't see this being a problem - were you actually arrested or charged? Doesn't sound like it.
It doesn't matter how small or big the crime is, you still have to wait the 5 years and even if you were convicted of the crime, you can still try to apply for a visa after 5 years. Of course if you were not convicted then you do not have to wait 5 years, but any convcition, recorded or not recorded, you still need to wait the 5 year ban unless they tell you otherwise when you go for your interview (depending on the circumstances)
I know I'm resurrecting a mummified post here but this is exactly what I need answered. I was found guilty of but not convicted, obtaining property by deception X6 (I was a moronic 18 year old trying to impress "friends" who used me to get phones, working for a Telco at the time I put through phone plans under my name with the intention of not paying them).
As it was my first offence the magistrate did not record a conviction. My situation gets more complex as it then says I breached my CBO as I called in sick 3 times, (with a med cert) but my corrections officer who hated me (I'm not crying poor me, he literally hated me) didn't inform me that, calling in sick 3 times, med cert or not was grounds for a breach. So I was back before a magistrate who, along with the prosecuter said I should be given another chance and did not record a conviction and I did my CBO at a different corrections office, with better correctional officers.
So I do have some findings of guilt but no convictions. The latest court appearance (the breach) was in 2013, is it even worth applying for a VISA, now (no conviction, apply within 5 years) or, ever? I feel like my rap sheet looks so bad! I don't even think I would get approved in 10 or 20 years. Do people with more than 5 charges ever get approved? I'm in Victoria, where VICPol will disclose my findings of guilt even without conviction until 10 years have passed. So I won't have to dig up court records, though I do have them if needed.
I just travelled the UK and Europe without a problem as they aren't concerned with low ranking crimes but hearing about the US's stance on even the lowest of low crimes, I doubt I would get in. I've wanted nothing more in life than to see the USA, especially New York City. I see so many people going through on the ESTA with criminal records and I don't know how they even get on the plane, my anxiety would be through the roof!
If you can't wait until 2023 then you will need to go through the US process....I'm in Victoria, where VICPol will disclose my findings of guilt even without conviction until 10 years have passed. ...
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Spent convictions does not mean it's wiped from the criminal record. Just not disclosed under "ordinary" criminal checks.
It May be relevant under certain circumstances such applying to be a law officer- lawyer or judge, security license, firearms license or if you are sentenced for another offence then the spent conviction might be relevant.
Of course foreign jurisdictions are not bound by another countries laws and regulations so good advice to visit a US embassy to sort this out. You will then know where you stand. Alternatively visit a migration lawyer. "Just do it!"
many have not declared and got in. Just as many don't declare anything to quarantine coming into OZ and don't get searched, some do get searched and get caught.
I hear your frustration but I think you are overanalysing the whole situation and sounds like you are (out of frustration) trying to find some way to come to a different conclusion??
Have you booked an interview with your local US embassy?
If you can't wait until 2023 then you will need to go through the US process.
YMMV, but going by anecdotes you have little chance until at 5 years are up.
Note that Vic do not have a 'spent convictions' regulation, but as you indicate, there is a policy of non disclosure after 10 years for most issues.
Our staffer waited 6 months and his application has been approved now. There is no way to speed the process up that we have found.
I'm a first time flyer to the USA and I'm a young female going alone in 10 days time.
I applied for an ESTA way back in April with no issues and it's still approved.
I answered no to the question asking If i've been arrested or convicted of a crime. I said no.
Now I've recently been thinking and going made over this below scinareo.
2012 or 2013 I was working in retail and I quit because my manager was a psyscho. Had some heated words and she said if she saw me again she'd make my life hell.. that was in febuary.
I went shopping one day at the old store and no issues. This was in July. She wasn't there. About a month later I get a call from police saying I've had a complaint made against me for stealing from the shop that day I went in. He wanted me to come down to the police station when I could for a chat.
So I went down, had an interview with them which they filmed. They took my photo and fingerprints for indetification. I just said no comment for the whole thing cause I had nothing to say to be honest. I was stunned by the whole thing. He said thanks for coming in and showed me out and that was in.
About 3 months later I got a letter in the mail saying the complaint was dropped and they listed a store name which wasn't even the store i was questioned about.. it was a store in another state. So the whole thing was a joke. False complaint, letter from police with incorrect information on what store it was.
The photo/prints are destroyed after 6 months if nothing happens in Victoria. Would they still show up on US Customs when I swipe my passport??? Will any of this show up???
I ordered a police check and there was nothing on it.
I'm just freaking out!! I'm going for my birthday and did nothing wrong back then.. and now I feel like a criminal for no reason. I have no record and I've never done anything illegal in my life.