Thought a before and after snapshot (using the high power day from Feb) may be instructive now that Hazelwood is nearly (or effectively) zero generation.

and as of today at the same time...
Now to blow away some of the smoke and polish the mirrors...
Hazelwood had a 1,600 MW capacity but virtually never (both due to old age & risk of damage) operated at 100%. Seemed to average in the mid to high 70% range the bulk of the time (95%+).
- Brown coal is the cheapest fossil fuel to operate.
- Black coal is somewhat more expensive and gas - well in some cases a gas-fired power station makes more money selling its contracted gas off-take into the national market, say to Qld LNG plants. Not saying that they ARE doing this...
- The Snowy scheme produces 95%+ of its power by recycling the water (pumping it up from lower reservoir to the upper reservoir) - so it buys 150% of the power it produces. Nearly all (yes you guessed it it was going to be another figure with a 9 in front of it) comes from the La Trobe Valley generation although a minuscule amount comes from SA wind occasionally (has to make its way through two interconnectors AND have capacity available that the La Trobe generators are not hogging).
- Have another look at the figures above.
The drop in La Trobe Valley production (Feb to today) is over 2,100 MW of which Hazelwood at best would explain 1,300 MW of the difference. So why are the remaining brown coal plants running at over 800 MW lower when they are the least cost fossil (and pumped hydro) producers?
Gaming the prices again perhaps?
Now have a look at the contribution from the Snowy (NSW).
- 78 MW today and 539 MW in Feb - would appear to indicate that they. at least are acting rationally given their cost is at least 150% that of Brown coal operators.
Queensland (the 2 Govt owned generators) have 8,400 MW of black coal-fired power stations, and over 3,400 MW of gas (mainly from coal seam). I've posted a few items here previously, including official Fed Govt reports that the Qld Govt companies were gaming the system to force prices (profits) up by over $170 million in one 6 month period alone.
Now have a look at what they were doing on the peak day in Feb and today.
For the highest demand day of the year (Feb) and today (one of the lowest due to the aftermath of the cyclone) - the Qld Govt gas plants are producing virtually the same. Now gas is, repeating myself once again, FAR more expensive than any coal plant. I wonder if the cable from South to North Qld is being maxed out yet again (referenced in Fed Govt report into $170m gouging event) so that NSW generators cannot play the game?
- Qld Gas Feb...........1,350 MW
- Qld Gas Today........1,398 MW
- NSW Gas Feb.........1,093 MW
- NSW Gas Today........ 362 MW
IN 2014/15 there was much written about all the excess generating capacity in the predominantly East coast connected system. Many coal stations were barely breaking even let alone making their traditional profits. That is what has been behind the coal plant closures - they have been losing money AND maintenance costs are skyrocketing due to the band-aids on the band-aids on the band-aids. It is hard enough trying to get a replacement part for a 1982 Commodore, try getting parts for a 1956 turbine and cooling plant.
Household roof-top solar panels had
totally eliminated the traditional daytime peak that saw higher prices (wholesale) between 11am and 3pm 5 days a week, 51 weeks a year (Xmas/New Year the exception).
I'd have loved to be a fly-on-the-wall at the power conferences and 'emergency' briefing sessions held in that period. Totally coincidentally, the way the wholesale market seemed to operate changed from August 2015.
First in little 'baby steps' as high priced seemingly unexplainable (by past events) periods of super high prices became more common before spreading a bit like a virus through 2016 and now 2017 to see these 'max profit' events happening when there is over 6,000 MW of coal and gas fired capacity sitting idle.
Even being exacerbated by gas peaking plants mysteriously shutting down 100% within seconds of an unexpected (so the official reports state) event at another same-state based generator. 262 pages on the Torren explosion and the Pelican Point shut-down cause is OFFICIALLY unknown. What is known is that the power price spiked more than 8 - fold and the remaining generators profited more in the subsequent immediate period than they had in the previous few days. Did you know that the Pelican Point owner also owns Hazelwood and one of the Loy Yang brown coal plants? Serendipitous!
I wonder if they also buy lotto tickets?
Anyone getting an idea why the SA Govt had announced they are going to put in 5 x 50 MW Gas plants + battery storage close to major power demand locations in SA?
I wonder who is going to blink first? Will we EVER see more than one of these new 'chicken' plants built?