Yeah, same here, having had the 2nd AZ a month ago, and seem to still be here.Supply is only an issue if you don't want AZ or have some health issue that means it's not advisable to take it.
AZ is available to all adults with permission from your GP.
I'm under 40 and have had AZ and am still here. Several million young people have had it overseas.
Even though AZ has a recommended 12 week gap between doses that's still short enough time to get fully vaccinated well before Pfizer is made available to everyone who wants that.
Had the UoQ candidate been successful and the AZ not been slammed over very rare side effects, you can be sure the Opposition would have been very critical now of the government wasting money purchasing 40 million Pfizer doses had they done so when they ordered the original 10 million.

Edit: Should have mentioned that we need at least 40 million doses, all up. We don’t have that. So, definitely a shortage until then, regardless of the reasons