If you won't fly an airline again that changes flights, you wont be flying at all. I think you'll find JQ and QF no better in this regard.
Completely agree. I've flown Air Canada, KLM, Qantas, Virgin, JetStar and United. Can you guess which one didn't have a flight change? That's right, United but it was just one flight I took with them and I was still delayed for over 2 hours at SFO (luckily that gave me more time to enjoy the Centurion lounge). Look airlines are ramping back up to pre-COVID capacity whilst the demand for travel is insatiable now that people are free to leave their homes. It will take some time for things to smooth out.
What I continue to ask people on this forum is how are you enjoying it? How are you taking advantage of this change? Did you manage to get a better routing that earns more status credits (or a shorter one if that's your preference)? Did you manage to force Qantas to open a business classic award for you when one of their partners dropped the ball? Or maybe you cancelled that flight you booked on impulse but don't want to take now that the airline will provide you with a full refund? Because believe me, eventually the airlines will figure this out and all the fun we are having at the airline's expense with them changing schedules and cancelling flights will be over!
Also, as you booked with an agent, you must go though them, not the airline to make any changes.
You used a travel agent! Why are you ringing anyone? Make the agent do the work.
And why are you suggesting changing to Jetstar if the virgin flight you really wanted is still available?
Hopefully ZL will be much better, we can only hope.
Haven't flown Rex, it's certainly on the list of airlines to try although I reckon not everyone would be a fan of the propellers (I know they have a couple of jets but I'm just keeping it

First, DL, maybe more positive news, who knows.
It would be nice if they become a DL partner in terms of MQM accrual but I doubt that'll ever happen. Too small of a fish for DL I reckon!
VA/VFF was very good in the past, but I guess with them now cost cutting like the Redroo, its all downhill for them from now on.
When your competition
is known for damaging a disabled person's wheelchair and refusing to pay for the damage, frankly you have a long way to climb down before you reach their level. Combine that with the rave reviews on AFF and elsewhere and it seems like the PR campaign went well indeed. It's much easier to put on a show for a couple of months than to maintain a brand image in the long run, just ask Eli Lilly!
I haven't had to call up their FF call centre of late, but for me, personally, the all Y 737s is their downfall.
Join the club - I'm still waiting for Virgin to refund me the upgrade I made for a flight they later cancelled!
Flight staff aside, it seems clear to me Jayney & Co have heavily reduced Plat Line staffers, as nothing ever seems to be possible to them in my experience, in the past 6 months or so. A year or two back they were superb IMHO.
It doesn't help that they were running a status match now where any Tom Dick n' Harry can become a Platinum.
The simplest things are now hived off to a Dalek in Asia who spends a polite hour reading off scripts, and resolving NOTHING usually. Which actually costs Virgin more no matter how little they pay them, AND leaving an annoyed regular client. Dumb as dirt.
My last call with them was cringe, kept getting yo-yoed between departments when requesting a refund for a flight Virgin cancelled.
United stated once that about 90% of their revenue came from their 5% top Elites. No idea how that translates to Tiger #2, but if anything near it, they are foolish to pretend all animals are equal, as it will bite them on the bum eventually.
Have you seen Tom Stuker (United's #1 frequent flyer having flown well over 20 million miles with them)? I have in 2019 having flown Heathrow to Chicago. I was in the Polaris lounge and he was on the phone the whole damn time talking to United reps making bookings and changes to flights months in advance. I can guarantee you United is not offended by him tying up probably on of their best reservationists for hours on end given the amount of $$$$ he spends with them (Tom flies pretty much only United and in Polaris).
I was a United 1K for 10-15 years and ANYTHING humanely possible can and was done in a phone call, by empowered experienced agents. I must have been given a hundred 'one time exceptions'. THAT is why folks stayed loyal.
My experience as well. Heck a Global Services (equivalent to Chariman's club) agent even offered to rebook my flight from Osaka back to Toronto on Air Canada when he thought I was gonna be on too many connections (for those wondering, the flight I was on was upgraded by a colleague who is Global Services elite).
I had an allegedly 'empowered' CS staffer in Brisbane, not overseas, last week telling me no seats were bookable before row 7, on a flight a month hence. I told him on my screen 5 ENTIRE rows before #7 looked totally empty on a dummy booking I just made. 'Not on my screen, it doesn't show that Sir'. With an audible SIGH, he bad-naturedly chose one to book after I pushed him, and VIOLA 'Gee, fancy that - you were right'.
In fairness, Qantas does block those first few rows for Platinum elites or above. They
release those seats for others at T-80 hours from departure.
Australia is the land of the duopoly, it is fantasy to expect anything different from either VA or QF/JQ unless they face regulatory consequences ala EU261.
At least you folks have a duopoly. Over in Canada it's Air Canada or the highway (yes I know there's WestJet but the route network would make Rex blush).
As for consumer regulation you need to demand it of your politicians. It's not gonna happen by itself. Why is it that Canada, the United States and the EU have stronger consumer rights when it comes to everything from warranties to being bumped off a flight?
Having enjoyed QF lying to me about delays and then not prioritising pax bags from the delayed flight at AKL I’ll stick to VA thanks.
Airlines can't prioritize bags though. I say this from experience having flown a number of airlines both in business and coach, with elite status and without. Frankly that bag carousel should be painted red and black because it's a roulette wheel when and if your bag comes out!
Qantas incompetence this morning has meant a three hour flight has taken ten.
I'd recommend you try Air Canada reservationist in Toronto where they tell you your flight is cancelled there's nothing we can do (not even rebook you).
It’s not the delays it’s the lies.
One nice thing about United is when there are delays they tell you why it is being delayed. It doesn't eliminate the delay but it sure removes some of the sting!