So - to those who will see my 60+ bod in my budgie smugglers in the lounge, I say " just sit somewhere else if you don't like it".
And guy in his wife beater, fresh off the building site, covered in cough and nauseous BO - Just sit somewhere else if you don't like it.
The two chicks who sit next to you and your family with mouths like sewers and "cough* YOU ____s" spelled out in full on their T-shirts - you get it - you have to move if you don't like it, because dress and other standards in an airport lounge are so last century and people should do like what they want. As long as you don’t see you there private parts..
No, there are standards of basic consideration and courtesy to others that everyone should adhere to, covering, dress, behaviour, speech you name it. If the establishment won't set a standard, then basic decency and courtesy should prevail while sharing a space. In an airport lounge as on board the aircraft.
Don't like adhering to simple courteous rules of dress and behaviour - find somewhere else
