Just going by the content of the article, that seems harsh but, as ever, I'm sure we don't know all the facts.she reported it asap and promptly lost her job
Maybe she was a refusnik who would not return to the office and presented a good opportunity to set an example.Just going by the content of the article, that seems harsh but, as ever, I'm sure we don't know all the facts.
Oh well, the protestors will still need their eco-warrior uniforms from Kathmandu, North Face etc. What's that you say? Yes, yes, all made from petroleum.But Woodside is the latest target of Green lawfare.
Woodside spent decades on Indigenous relations. Then a whale arrived
Aboriginal fables are being given the power by courts to disrupt nationally significant energy projects.www.afr.com
Help stop Woodside's disastrous plans for our ocean
Act urgently to protect our ocean wildlife and ensure a safe climate. Donate Now.donate.greenpeace.org.au
The problem is the IGA is even more expensive then Coles / Woolworths. My wife kept telling me that it’s all the same price until we went there a few times and everything was overpriced. So yes support the independent supermarket but be prepared to pay for the privilege.All this curfuffle with Woolies and Coles might be a windfall for Metcash. I know a number of people, incl. MasterProzac, expressing they have ditched the duopoly for IGA. I have to say we are lucky to have an IGA a short walk away. They also get a steady stream of walking frame customers from the local retirement complex too. Like having a corner shop but with a bigger selection, and booze. Showing 5.97% FF.
Missing/exceeding expectations, demonstrating as we know that we price a company's share price on expectations. And that's an issue with investing in gas...the expectation by many investors that gas demand/price will fall suppresses the share price, obviously. AND (getting to my point) this expectation will likely continue regardless of company production reports and profits. IMO....interesting for stocks to drop in share price when they report say a 30% jump in profit and you can have some shares jump in price with say a 10% drop in profits.
Ha, ha, yes it is, isn't itWith our portfolios going up most days it is easy to be lulled into thinking we are investment gurus.
The market looks 6-12 months ahead. The profits will come.we have all of our five biggest banks at all time highs despite their profits not surging.
Markets as a whole may well be pricing in a couple of interest rate drops although I'm not sure we will see a "big tumble".I guess everyone buying believes interest rates are set for a big tumble fairly soon.
ANZ all time high? ($36 in 2015)we have all of our five biggest banks at all time highs despite their profits not surging.