The Dark side of Japan Tourism.

@drron, the more of your ordeal I read, the more horrified I become. If this can happen to you and @mrs.dr.ron - astute and experienced travellers, it could happen to anyone. It is truly a cautionary tale.

Agree - I never would have worried about Japan... That being said the times I've been there I've never wanted to drive as I've been in/around Tokyo and/or on the train...

This honestly sounds like something that would happen in Dubai or other similar Countries...

Future trips I've wanted to drive as we explore more of Japan but this has really put me off it TBH

Possibly you have seen this already..
My friend in Nagano sent me this

Nagano friend suggests the prosecutor in your case is behind all this.
Yes it was clear that the prosecutor was behind it all. However the International Convention on human rights is just a statement. It has no teeth. But there are several codicils to the convention which many countries have not signed but can claim they have signed the main convention.
The codicils though have teeth and japan has signed all of them I believe therefore they are exposed to complaints and legal actions.

I was really taken back by the lack of official recognition by Governments of Japan's poor record. Though the USA does complain.
Though the USA does put light onto their practices.

The Embasy does give a link to a non government organisation that offers help to those detained overseas. A lot of good advice there.
But it took an American to set it up as he was amazed how little help Australians might get when detained OS. Many might recognise the name.

The ADA initiative is spearheaded by retired Lieutenant Colonel Dan Mori of the United States Marine Corps (USMC). Lt. Col. Mori identified the lack of an independent organization dedicated to systematically assisting Australians, which led to the founding of ADA. Our office welcomes inquiries from across Australia.

Retired Lt. Col. Mori’s distinguished legal career began after his graduation from the Western New England School of Law in 1994. He served the U.S. Marine Corps in various capacities, including defense counsel, Military Justice Officer, and Special Assistant U.S. Attorney.

In 2003 Dan was appointed by the U.S Department of Defence to represent Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks. His exemplary work in this role earned him an honorary membership from the Australian Bar Association in 2007. In 2009 was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and made a senior military judge. Dan has lived in Melbourne and was appointed a special senior fellow at the Monash University Faculty of Law.
For the J readers amongst you:
2024年7月20日、小樽市色内2丁目で乗用車と原付バイクが衝突する事故がありました。 事故があったのは小樽市色内2丁目にある信号機のある交差点です。

20日正午ごろ、レンタカーの乗用車が交差点を右折した時、後ろからきた原付バイクに衝突しました。 この事故で、原付バイクを運転していた53歳の男性が病院に搬送されましたが、鎖骨などを骨折するけがをしました。

警察は乗用車を運転していたオーストラリア国籍の77歳の男を過失運転致傷の疑いで現行犯逮捕しました。 調べによると、乗用車は交差点内で大きくふくらんで右折したため、後続の原付バイクを巻き込んだということです。

乗用車を運転していたオーストラリア国籍の男は観光で訪れていたということで、調べに対し「間違いありません」と容疑を認めているということです。 警察が事故の詳しい状況を調べています。
We were able to get a lot (most?) of the original reports deleted.

<On July 20, 2024, there was an accident in which a passenger car and a moped collided in Ironai 2-chome, Otaru City. The accident occurred at an intersection with a traffic light in Ironai 2-chome, Otaru City.

Around noon on the 20th, a rental car turned right at an intersection when it collided with a moped coming from behind. In this accident, a 53-year-old man who was driving a moped was taken to the hospital, but suffered injuries including a broken collarbone.

Police arrested a 77-year-old Australia national who was driving the passenger car on suspicion of causing death by negligent driving. According to the investigation, the passenger car bulged out and turned right in the intersection, causing the following mopeds to become involved.

The Australian man who was driving the passenger car was visiting for sightseeing and admitted to the investigation, saying, "There is no doubt." Police are investigating the details of the accident.>
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For the J readers amongst you:
2024年7月20日、小樽市色内2丁目で乗用車と原付バイクが衝突する事故がありました。 事故があったのは小樽市色内2丁目にある信号機のある交差点です。

20日正午ごろ、レンタカーの乗用車が交差点を右折した時、後ろからきた原付バイクに衝突しました。 この事故で、原付バイクを運転していた53歳の男性が病院に搬送されましたが、鎖骨などを骨折するけがをしました。

警察は乗用車を運転していたオーストラリア国籍の77歳の男を過失運転致傷の疑いで現行犯逮捕しました。 調べによると、乗用車は交差点内で大きくふくらんで右折したため、後続の原付バイクを巻き込んだということです。

乗用車を運転していたオーストラリア国籍の男は観光で訪れていたということで、調べに対し「間違いありません」と容疑を認めているということです。 警察が事故の詳しい状況を調べています。
We were able to get a lot (most?) of the original reports deleted.

<On July 20, 2024, there was an accident in which a passenger car and a moped collided in Ironai 2-chome, Otaru City. The accident occurred at an intersection with a traffic light in Ironai 2-chome, Otaru City.

Around noon on the 20th, a rental car turned right at an intersection when it collided with a moped coming from behind. In this accident, a 53-year-old man who was driving a moped was taken to the hospital, but suffered injuries including a broken collarbone.

Police arrested a 77-year-old Australia national who was driving the passenger car on suspicion of causing death by negligent driving. According to the investigation, the passenger car bulged out and turned right in the intersection, causing the following mopeds to become involved.

The Australian man who was driving the passenger car was visiting for sightseeing and admitted to the investigation, saying, "There is no doubt." Police are investigating the details of the accident.>
I don't know the context of the post, @sjk, or the meaning of the final comment.
But, for the "non-J readers":

<On July 20, 2024, there was an accident in which a passenger car and a moped collided in Ironai 2-chome, Otaru City. The accident occurred at an intersection with a traffic light in Ironai 2-chome, Otaru City.

Around noon on the 20th, a rental car turned right at an intersection when it collided with a moped coming from behind. In this accident, a 53-year-old man who was driving a moped was taken to the hospital, but suffered injuries including a broken collarbone.

Police arrested a 77-year-old Australia national who was driving the passenger car on suspicion of causing death by negligent driving. According to the investigation, the passenger car bulged out and turned right in the intersection, causing the following mopeds to become involved.

The Australian man who was driving the passenger car was visiting for sightseeing and admitted to the investigation, saying, "There is no doubt." Police are investigating the details of the accident.>

Commiserations by the bucket load to drronon and Mrsdrron.
A hideous experience!
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This is horrifying. I'll be in Japan on Thursday for the first time and I will certainly have this on the back of my mind. Truly sorry for your appaling treatment.
have seen this already
Which I think suggests the experience can be as equally as harrowing for Japanese nationals, albeit they don't have the extra issue of the language barrier, or a possible bias against foreigners.

Very sorry that drron and mrs.drron had to go through this.

From reading into it appears that bail is pretty rare in the Japanese system, even more so for foreigners, and while many cases are dropped after investigation, once a prosecutor decides to proceed you are up against it and against a system that has all the cards (no wonder Carlos Ghosn fled Japan)

And I'd been holding on posting until we got the full story, but from reading the initial posts I think I have a reasonable idea of the situation.
In Australia a turning vehicle has to give way and take care, and i suspect one might end up with a negligent driving charge in a similar situation no matter the speed of the vehicle behind. The key difference is it would more likely be done via summons. But would still quite likely ruin the holiday and return date of any foreign tourist.
but from reading the initial posts I think I have a reasonable idea of the situation.
In Australia a turning vehicle has to give way and take care, and i suspect one might end up with a negligent driving charge in a similar situation no matter the speed of the vehicle behind
My take on the initial post was that drron was turning right and the moped sped up on the right side to pass him. Given Japan drives on the left side of the road like we do here in Australia, when would such a pass not put fault on the moped? Even regardless of the turn, did the moped not slow down when the vehicle ahead also slowed down, was the moped always intending to overtake drron's car from within the same lane?

Unless drron was making a swift right hand turn from the left side of two lanes, but the photos show this couldn't be the case as it was a single lane in each direction.
I always know as a foreigner one should try the very best not to be on the wrong side of law in Japan, including driving. But reading this is still horrifying 😨
@drron, I hope you will get some outcome in pursuing this. However slim the chance might be ...
Feel so sorry this happened to you drRon.
I am so traumatized by by huge disconnect of what happened to you, my previous travel experience in Japan and the whole perception of Japan I had.
With my my previous experience living in Russia I deeply understand exactly how it feels to be in-between blind system millstones ☹️

I hope you had travel insurance with personal liability cover to help navigate this horrible experience.
Local versus foreigner. Local 'wins'.
That is a universal "truth", as my brother found out in Tanzania when his Land cruiser was destroyed by a truck going the other way. The truck driver said he swerved to miss a pothole!! and my brother got the ticket. And as a local resident his Swahili was excellent. Basically in that case the police decided the foreigner could afford the hit.

We have a friend who's daughter worked in Japan for many years and she wrote repeatedly about the extremely poor treatment she received as firstly a woman, and secondly a foreigner.

But none of that comes near the dreadful experience of the Drrons, and I really feel for you both having undergone this appalling experience. I just hope you can get past it and back to the task of unseating Rooflyer as the sunset king.
For the J readers amongst you:
2024年7月20日、小樽市色内2丁目で乗用車と原付バイクが衝突する事故がありました。 事故があったのは小樽市色内2丁目にある信号機のある交差点です。

20日正午ごろ、レンタカーの乗用車が交差点を右折した時、後ろからきた原付バイクに衝突しました。 この事故で、原付バイクを運転していた53歳の男性が病院に搬送されましたが、鎖骨などを骨折するけがをしました。

警察は乗用車を運転していたオーストラリア国籍の77歳の男を過失運転致傷の疑いで現行犯逮捕しました。 調べによると、乗用車は交差点内で大きくふくらんで右折したため、後続の原付バイクを巻き込んだということです。

乗用車を運転していたオーストラリア国籍の男は観光で訪れていたということで、調べに対し「間違いありません」と容疑を認めているということです。 警察が事故の詳しい状況を調べています。
We were able to get a lot (most?) of the original reports deleted.

<On July 20, 2024, there was an accident in which a passenger car and a moped collided in Ironai 2-chome, Otaru City. The accident occurred at an intersection with a traffic light in Ironai 2-chome, Otaru City.

Around noon on the 20th, a rental car turned right at an intersection when it collided with a moped coming from behind. In this accident, a 53-year-old man who was driving a moped was taken to the hospital, but suffered injuries including a broken collarbone.
Police arrested a 77-year-old Australia national who was driving the passenger car on suspicion of causing death by negligent driving. According to the investigation, the passenger car bulged out and turned right in the intersection, causing the following mopeds to become involved.

The Australian man who was driving the passenger car was visiting for sightseeing and admitted to the investigation, saying, "There is no doubt." Police are investigating the details of the accident.>
Thanks for the content @sjk - can you provide more information on the source of this?
Thanks for the content @sjk - can you provide more information on the source of this?
The following link quotes from a now-deleted article:

If you Google the first part 「2024年7月20日、小樽市色内2丁目で乗用車」you will find a number of defunct links. It was widely reported in the local press, albeit as a comparatively minor incident.
The following link quotes from a now-deleted article:

If you Google the first part 「2024年7月20日、小樽市色内2丁目で乗用車」you will find a number of defunct links. It was widely reported in the local press, albeit as a comparatively minor incident.
That is a wild site!
The translation of the title is literally

Ookacho Liberal News Agency

Foreigners commit too many crimes, too many Chinese'​

It seems all articles relating to this incident have been wiped, other than this bizarrely racist library of former articles. The incident/arrest doesn't appear on the Otaru police arrest list so I'm wondering if Drron has been otherwise fully exonerated?

What an absolute nightmare though. I have driven more than just about anyone in this group in Japan and thank my lucky stars I was never involved in an incident after reading this! Thank god you are (likely?) home and safe and I await the rest of this story with baited breath.
I think the huge stress would be for me in your unfolding story is the not knowing when it was going to end, or even, if it was. Kudos to you both on keeping this all together by and large. And I hope that maybe in writing this story it helps you to unpackage all the feelings that you must have gone through and puts them into a place that you won't need to visit again.
This is a report that I never thought I would write. We have had close to 100 visits to Japan and have loved Japan. In our drive around Hokkaido the first 3 weeks were very enjoyable. Then at 11.47 on Saturday 20th July things changed dramatically. I had a car accident. We had had a late start and first we were headed for the Ryugo shrine before proceeding up the hill be hind Otaru. We didn't make it.
I had started to turn right onto the street leading to the shrine when a delivery motorcycle appeared on my right and clipped the front of our car. I had checked several times since turning left into the street I was on and not once did i see a motorcycle behind me. I had checked the rear vision mirror twice and the driver's mirror before turning. I had indicated late though. But I was told I broke 2 Japanese driving laws. First not looking behind me when making a right hand law. I checked and it is indeed a law. Though after this I never saw a Japanese driver obey this law including drivers of police vehicles.
The second law I was told i broke was to only make a right hand turn as close as possible to the right side of the lane. Although I was in the lane I was closer to the left side. However searches I have done didn't bring this up as a law.

The police that attended the accident said they had vision from the cameras at the intersection behind me. They asked me how fast I was going and I said 40Kph which was the limit slowing to 20Kph as I started to turn. They confirmed those speeds were accurate. At 1339 Mrsdrron and I were taken in the police car to Otaru Police Station. At about 6pm I was taken in to be interviewed. After that I told Mrsdrron I might be a long time and may be there all night. So we called a taxi and she went back to the hotel..

I was then taken back for another interview and at 2043 was formally arrested for negligent driving causing injury. The interpreter who was the only one showing any empathy said he would go and tell Mrsdrron and bring her back to the station to make her statement and let her talk to me. But as soon as he left I was handcuffed and taken upstairs to the detention centre and strip searched. She never got to see me and was told She wouldn't be allowed to see me.

Up stairs everything I had was taken except for my underpants. Even my wedding ring was taken. i was given prison clothes. the pants though had the elastic removed so if i let go they ended below my knees. Because of my Haemochromatosis requiring venesections I have needle tracts in both arms. They also took extreme interest in a horizontal varicose vein in my upper right arm. I later learnt that they called it a tattoo. I did tell them of all my medical conditions but obviously they did not register with the detention staff. I also told them i was extremely worried for Mrsdrron who has traumatic amnesia after a fall in Singapore in Dec ember 2022. She can't make new memories.

I was the taken to a cell. The only things there were a roll of toilet paper and half a cardboard box. You were not allowed to take the toilet paper into the toilet. you could only take a few sheets. You were allowed to use the toilet paper to blow your nose but then it could not be flushed but put in the cardboard box. I then had to go and collect my Japanese bedding. Needless to say I did not sleep that night.

Next will be a little bit more of the accident and the police investigation.
Really sorry to hear about all this . Japan used to be my favourite destination .
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