Re: How to tell if you are on an aircraft with the new cabin...
Virgin will have to stop doing this sort of thing and crack down on unacceptable behaviour if they are really going to run a business class cabin from now on. Yes OOL will always have it's share of this behaviour but the idea of a premium cabin is in part to provide a higher level of service and comfort. Virgin is on a learning curve and without sounding like too much of an old fart I will complain mightily if I pay for PE or J and have to put up with this sort of nonsense.
I'm about 85% with you on that. During the flight, I began to form a written complaint in my mind - but the service from the crew manager was attentive, personalised and welcoming enough that by the end of the flight I didn't really feel the grounds to. All of us in the PE cabin received PE service, but I did perceive a little bit more attention for myself and the other passenger who I suspected was most likely to be a PE fare-payer - after the main cabin service was completed we were both asked if we'd like anything further from the cart, and also received a subsequent offer just before top of descent.
Ultimately, I reached the conclusion that there's no rule against being excited to go on holiday, nor drinking at an early hour of the morning. I should emphasise that none of the behaviour had overtones of intoxication - just that of a group of people who were going to having more fun that day than I did. I was still able to sleep for a while and read uninterrupted (possibly the
most offensive thing about the flight was accepting the offer of a Digiplayer for the first time ever and discovering its tragically limited content). The only thing I'd really term 'unacceptable' was the visit from seat 2C's girlfriend. The hubbub from row 3 would probably annoy me a lot more if I was stuck in it - especially if I was a Velocity Gold and over the age of 21. I just don't think the FAs can wander up and down cabin saying "shooosh please" when 90% of the cabin wants to talk.
Was it the
ideal PE experience? Not exactly. But having had the chance to talk to a few FAs over the weekend their excitement about where Virgin Australia (as opposed to Virgin Blue) is going is palpable, and one said she can't wait for J to be rolled out systemwide because she loves to be able to provide that extra level of service to high status pax. I think they really want to put the days of "toilets are fitted with sensitive smoke alarms and cameras" and "your crew today consists of Bogan Bevan in the middle, Tightblouse Tina down the back and I'm radical Ron" behind them (and to be fair that's been gone for five years now anyway).
But all of this is subjective. In the end I was willing to let it slide (even though I didn't go anywhere near schoolies and my kids sure as hell won't be either), but my father probably wouldn't have!