Abbreviations and explanations


Nov 6, 2002
The complete list can be found in Forum Help located at the bottom of every page, or by clicking HERE.​

Please Post your AFF Acronyms and Abbreviations here. Also any advice about mistakes/ inclusions/ exclusions appreciated. Please get in touch with @support for any changes.

Hi All,

I was thinking that maybe we could have a sticky thread with all the abrev's and explanations of codes that are commonly used within the forum including all the fare codes. Such as what is RTW, OW, J fares etc etc

I've got no idea what most of them are so If the well educated persons in this field could enlighten us all, I believe that this would be of great assistance to all that visit the forum that aren't aware of them.
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Great ID. I was going WTF at a post which should have had me ROTFLMAO when I logged on here. I had a GHLAM and thought LOL.

I have no idea what I am talking about BTW. :lol:

There are many types of codes used but some are -

RTW - round the world

OW - can be one way or one World

J - full business

D- discount business

Y - full Ecco AKA cattle class

F - First

E - Discount Ecco as well as a huge number of others m , k, l, etc

PM me if I can help
Not too mention the various unofficial abbreviations(generally Qantas specific) you may see on this (and other) boards:

QP = Qantas Pub, more commonly known as Qantas Club (or QC)
QC = Quickcheck, not to be confused with QP (although sometimes it is)
SC = Status Credit
UC = Upgrade Credit
N class = usually lowest domestic fare, commonly known as "red-e-deal"
MR = Mileage Run, where individuals pay money to fly around with sole purpose of accumulating SC's and sometimes miles as well, or route their SYD to MEL fare via Kalamazoo and Timbuktu to pick up extra SC's.

QF, DJ, JQ, NZ are all airline designators (Qantas, Virgin Blue, Jetstar, Air NZ), with a comprehensive listing at Amadeus.

Also (although someone else can probably shed some light on what the actual acronyms mean), the following refer to Qantas status:
WP = Platinum
SG = Gold
PS = Silver
NB = Bronze
dajop said:
Also (although someone else can probably shed some light on what the actual acronyms mean), the following refer to Qantas status:
WP = Platinum
SG = Gold
PS = Silver
NB = Bronze

This originated on another board.

We basically had a get together in BrisVegas, were several of us flew in from around the country and got ourselves shattered at the BNE Qantas Pub. During the meeting, it came about that us Gold's are Scum (hence the SG acronym). Us SG's then decided that Platinums were Wankers (hence the WP acronym).

We then set about finding something to call the Silvers and Bronzes, namely Plebian Silver (PS) and Nuthin Bronze (NB).

These abbreviations have become quite legendary on that other board. It adds to the quirky nature of the QF forum.

Please Post your AFF Acronyms and Abbreviations here.

Had an hour spare last night and intended to finish my TR. Alas my notes were at the office so I decided to compile this list. It’s not exhaustive, and I’d appreciate other poster’s contributions to this thread. Hopefully it will be useful for newer members grappling with FF terminology.

Largely inspired (read stolen) from the FlyerTalk - The world's most popular frequent flyer community glossary.

Please Post your AFF Acronyms and Abbreviations here. Also any advice about mistakes/ inclusions/ exclusions appreciated. I can update this post if necessary.

Qantas/Virgin Australia Status Abbreviation Summary:
  • CL: Chairmans Lounge
  • WP1: Platininum 1 (Qantas only) (also PO, W!, WP!, ÜW [Über W@nker])
  • WP: W@nker Platinum
  • SG: Scum Gold
  • PG: Partner Gold
  • QP: Qantas Pub (er Club) Member
  • VP: Virgin Pub (er Lounge) Member
  • PS: Plebian Silver
  • NB: Nufin Bronze (Qantas only)
  • NR: Nufin Red (Velocity Only)
(Qantas only)

  • OB: [Old]Blue - Former 3rd Tier Status with Qantas Frequent Flyer Program (Now PS)
  • OG: [Old]Gold - Former 1st Tier Status with Qantas Frequent Flyer Program (Now WP)
  • OS: [Old]Sliver - Former 2nd Tier Status with Qantas Frequent Flyer Program (Now SG)


  • *O: "oneworld"
  • *E: oneworld Emerald (QF WP, AA EXP, CX Diamond, BAEC Gold etc.)
  • *S: (oneworld context) oneworld Sapphire (QF SG, AA Plat, BAEC Silver, etc.)
  • *R oneworld ruby (QF PS, AA Gold, AEC Silver, etc.)

Star Alliance:

  • *A: "Star Alliance"
  • *G: Star Alliance Gold (NZ *E/*G etc. ...)
  • *S: (Star Alliance context) Star Alliance Silver (NZ *S etc.)

AFF (Australian Frequent Flyer) Acronyms & Abbreviations.

*A: Star Alliance (UA, LH, NZ etc.)
*O: oneworld Alliance (QF, AA, BA, CX etc.)
*S: Skyteam Alliance (DL, AF etc.)


A: Discounted First booking class (see also F)
AA: American Airlines (see also LOC)
AACT: AA Candy Thief a.k.a. AA Platinum status member
AC: Aircraft, also Heavy AC: Very large aircraft e.g. 747, 767 and 777.
AC: Air Canada
ADL: Adelaide airport
AF: Air France
AFAIK: "As Far As I Know"
AFF: Australian Frequent Flyer forum - a.k.a. THIS forum.
AKL: Auckland airport
ALTEA: An Amadeus product to assist in the planning/loading of Passenger Flights
AM: Aeromexico
AMADEUS: A GDS - Qantas use this as their booking system.
OC: Air Operator’s Certificate (see also OC)
AONE4: A (Fiirst) ONE (OneWorld Explorer) 4 (4 Continents)
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
APEX: Advance Purchase Excursion fares, usually the lowest available.
AQ: Aloha Airlines
AQIS: Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services
AS: Alaska Airlines
ASA/ASR: Qantas Frequent Flyer "Any Seat Awards/Rewards"

- QFF Point redemption bookings that earn QFF points and SC's
ATB: Automated ticket/boarding pass (electronically generated).
ATC: Air Traffic Control
ATW: Around The World e.g. AA ATW desk
AVIOS: BA frequent flyer "miles"
AVML: Asian vegetarian meal
AVOD: Audio Visual On Demand
AY: Finnair
AZ: Alitalia


B6: Jetblue Airways
BA: British Airways
BFOD: Best Fare of The Day - Cheapest fare that is available at the time of booking [could be any carrier]
BiB: "Butt in Bed" e.g. I earned my Hotel status through BIB stays, I was not Comped!
BiS: "Butt in Seat" e.g. BIS miles = actual miles flown, excluding bonuses.
BNE: Brisbane airport
BNM: "By No Means"
BR: EVA Airways
BTC: Business travel Card -as in APEC BTC
BTW: "By The Way"
BUTI: "Booking under the "influence" (Seemed like a good idea at the time .., Hic!.)
BW: BWIA West Indies Airways


CA: Air China
CASA: Civil Aviation Safety Authority (a.k.a. CAA)
CASR: Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (a.k.a. CAR)
CBR: Canberra airport
CC: Credit Card
CI: China Airlines
CIP: Commercially Important Passenger
CIR: Circle Pacific fare
CL: Chairman’s Lounge – QF’s highest member tier/ lounge (also QFCL).
CL: Crown Lager – "Premium Beer" (some dispute this) available at QP's
CNS: Cairns airport
CO: Continental Airlines
Comped: Being granted extra-ordinary elite status without achieving normal set criteria.
COS¹: Class of Service, can be bonuses (e.g. First COS bonus) or lounge access (via First Class).
COS²: Customer of Size - Passenger who has trouble fitting into a standard WHY seat.
CRS: Computerized Reservation System
CS: Customer Service. Add an "A" for Agent or "R" for Rep.
CTOs: City Ticket Offices, or non-airport airline offices.
CX: Cathay Pacific Airways
CZ: China Southern Airlines


D: Discounted Business booking class (see also J)
DCIR22: D (Business) CIR (Circle Pacific) 22 (22,000 MPM)
DJ: Virgin Blue / Virgin Australia
DL: Delta Air Lines
DM List: Departure Management list, used by airlines at boarding gates.
DONE4: D (Business) ONE (OneWorld Explorer) 4 (4 Continents)
DRW: Darwin airport
DVT: Deep Vein Thrombosis
DYKWIA: "Do/Don't You Know Who I Am"? (Generally arrogant in context)


E+: United's "Economy Plus"
E-: The remainder of the United Economy section after E+ rows.
EI: Aer Lingus
EGR: Electronic Upgrades = "Paperless" upgrades - Also EUG.
EMR: Electromagnetic Radiation
EQM: Elite Qualifying Miles - see also "Q Miles".
ETA: Electronic Travel Authority
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
EUG: Electronic upgrades
EXP: Executive Platinum on American AAdvantage.


F: Full-fare First booking class OR generic First (see also A)
FASA: Qantas Frequent Flyer "Any Seat Award" in First class (earns SC's)
F/O: First Officer, a.k.a. Co-Pilot
F9: Frontier Airlines
FA: Flight Attendant
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration
FARs: Federal Aviation Regulations
FF: Frequent Flyer - Also VFF, a Very Frequent Flyer.
FFP: Frequent Flyer Program
FI: Icelandair
FL¹: AA Flagship Lounge
FL²: First CLass lounge (general)
Flounge: First Class Lounge
Flounging: Using/Enjoying the benefits of a first class airline lounge
FOC¹: Free of Charge
FOC²: "Fear of Coach or Economy class"
FT: Abbreviation for FlyerTalk at FlyerTalk - The world's most popular frequent flyer community
FTers: FlyerTalkers -- all members who participate in FlyerTalk forums.
FWIW: "For What It's Worth"


GDS: "global distribution system" Major CRS operation that books and sells tickets for airlines
GHLAM: "Good Hard Look At Myself"
GP: Gold Passport, the Hyatt frequent stay program.


HA: Hawaiian Airlines
HBA: Hobart airport
HH: Hilton Honors - the Hilton frequent stay program
HHOK: "Ha Ha Only Kidding"
HIP: Higher Intermediate Point
HLO: Hand Luggage Only (Preferred method of many Frequent Flyers)
HP: Hahn Premium
HUACA: Hang Up and Call Again - If you're not getting what you want from a Telephone Agent, politely end the call and redial.
HUPP: "Instant Upgrade" fare available in the USA. "Economy" fare that books into First/Business class. (See YUPP/KUPP)
HVC: "High Value Customer" - Term used by ailines to indicate those they make the most nett revenue from.
HWNTBA: "He who needs to be amused" (see SWMBO)


I: Deep discount (heavily restricted) business booking class (see also J, D)
(NB: I represents other classes/ codes too e.g. *A business award & upgrade booking code)
IANAL: I am Not a Lawyer (Disclaimer, generally placed before "But, <legal stuff>"
IATA: International Air Transport Association
IB: Iberia
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organisation
IDB: Involuntarily Denied Boarding. Airlines usually offer compensation.
IFE: In Flight Entertainment (also AVOD IFE)
IHG: Intercontinental Hotels Group (See PC)
IIRC: "If I Recall Correctly"
IKE: "I know everything"
ILS: Instrument Landing System (bad weather)
IME: In My Experience
IMO: "In My Opinion" or
IMHO -- "In My Humble/Honest Opinion"
INSPass: A pass allowing expedited passage - US Customs/ Immigration.
ISTR: "I seem to recall/remember"
IVML: Indian vegetarian meal


J: Full-fare Business booking class OR generic Business (see also D)
JASA: Qantas Frequent Flyer "Any Seat Award" in Business class (earns SC's)
JI: Midway Airlines
JL: Japan Airlines
JM: Air Jamaica
JR: Aero California
JQ: Jet Star
JQi: Jet Star International


KE: Korean Air
KL: KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines
KUPP: "Instant Upgrade" fare available in the USA. "Economy" fare that books into First/Business class. (See HUPP/YUPP)
KVML: Kosher vegetarian meal


LA: Lan-Chile
LAG(S): Liquid(s), Aerosol(s) and Gel(s) - Pertains to travel restrictions
LCC: Low Cost Carrier
LH: Lufthansa
LMAO: "Laughing My @rse Off"
LM: Lifemiles (Avianca Frequent Flyer Scheme [good for reasonable priced mile purchase for *A award redemptions])
LO: Lot Polish Airlines
LOC: (AA's) Lack Of Challenge a.k.a. AA's platinum challenge
LOL: "Laugh(ing) Out Loud"
LOTFAP: Land Of The Free And Paranoid a.k.a. The U.S.A.
LP: Lan Peru
LX: Swiss International Air Lines
LY: El Al Israel Airlines


MA: Malev-Hungarian Airlines
MCO: Miscellaneous Charge Orders, issued by airlines for ticket refunds etc.
MCT: Minimum Connection Time
MEL: Melbourne airport
MH: Malaysia Airlines
MHC: Mile High Club
MPM: Maximum Permitted Mileage (e.g. RTW fares have MPM limits).
MR¹: Mileage Run, extended flight trip/segments to increase one's FF Miles/Status
MR²: Mattress Run, multiple stays at hotels to increase one's Hotel Elite Status
MS: Egyptair
MSC: Most Significant Carrier-Checked luggage allowance for multi carrier trip - IATA Res.302
MU: China Eastern Airlines
MX: Mexicana de Aviacion


N7: National Airlines
NB: "Nuthin" Bronze – A Bronze member of QFs FF program (also QFNB).
NGCI: New Generation Check-in - Qantas' automated domestic check-in system.
NH: All Nippon Airways, also known as ANA.
NM: Nelly Mobbs – an infamous AFF & FT member
NRSA: Non-revenue space available e.g. unpaid airline staff travel.
NW: Northwest Airlines
NZ: Air New Zealand


O7: OzJet
OB: [Old]Blue - Former 1st Tier Status with Qantas Frequent Flyer Program (Now PS)
OC: (Air) Operator's Certificate a.k.a. AOC - license to operate aircraft
O&D: Origins & Destinations
ODU: On Departure Upgrade - available in QP's for Qantas Domestic flights on eligible fares
OG: [Old]Gold - Former Top Tier Status with Qantas Frequent Flyer Program (Now WP - sometimes employed by old f@rts who have 5/6 digit QFF numbers)
OK: Czech Airlines = CSA
OLCI: On-Line Check In
OMG: Oh My God e.g. OMG o'clock = very very early.
OMNI: Anything not related to travel, miles, points, dining, airports etc.
ONE: OneWorld Explorer fare (also OWE)
O/W: One way
OW: One World alliance – Qantas, Cathay Pacific, British Airways, AA etc.
OWE: OneWorld Explorer fare (also ONE)
OOL: Gold Coast (cOOLongatta) airport
OP¹: Original Post - first post of a thread.
OP²: Original Poster - the person who started the thread.
Op-up: Short for operational upgrade or Bump.
OS¹: Austrian Airlines
OS²: [Old]Sliver - Former 2nd Tier Status with Qantas Frequent Flyer Program (Now SG)
OT: "Off Topic"
OTTOMH: "Off the top of my head"
OWT: Onward Travel
OZ¹: Asiana Airlines
Oz/OZ²: Ozstralia!


PAX: Short for passenger(s). See also SLF.
PC: Priority Club - Reward/Status scheme for IHG
PCV: "Perceived Customer Value" a figure calulated by Altea to prioritise passengers.
PER: Perth airport
PIFE: Personal In Flight Entertainment (one screen per seat)
PIN: Personal Identification Number
PK: Pakistan International Airlines
PNR: Passenger Name Record, used as a reference to a specific reservation.
POTUS: President Of The United States of America
PP: Priority Pass - Paid Airport Lounge access scheme, not Aligned with any Airline
PR: Philippine Airlines
PS: "Plebian" Silver – A Silver member of QFs FF program (also QFPS).
PUTI: Posting under the "influence" (can result in less rational posts than normal - Hic!)


QANTAS: Queers And Nymphomaniacs Trained As Stewards*
Q MILES: Qualifying miles counting towards Elite status - also EQM.
QC: Qantas Club (see also QP) or Quick Check-in.
QF: Qantas Airways
QFCL: Qantas CL member (with access to QF’s Choice Liquor).
QFF: Qantas Frequent Flyer Program
QFWP: Qantas "W*nker" Platinum - A platinum member of QFs FF program.
QFSG: Qantas "Scum" Gold – A Gold member of QFs FF program.
QFPS: Qantas "Plebian" Silver – A Silver member of QFs FF program.
QFNB: Qantas "Nuthin" Bronze – A Bronze member of QFs FF program.
QP: Qantas Pub a.k.a. QC or Qantas airport departure lounges.


RG: Varig airlines
RO: Tarom-Romanian Air Transport
ROE: Rate Of Exchange
ROFLMAO: "Rolling On the Floor Laughing My A$$ Off"
RPT: Regular Public Transport
RT: Round or Return Trip
RTFM: "Read The [-]cough*ing[/-]Flaming Manual"
RTW: 'round the World ticket
RVML: Raw vegetarian meal


S2: Air Sahara
SA: South African Airways
SACL: Sydney Airports Corporation Limited
SATS: Singapore Airport Terminal Services.
SC: Status Credit
SCRUN: Status Credit "Run" - Qantas' version of MR¹
SFSC: Self Funded Status Chaser
SG: "Scum" Gold – A Gold member of QFs FF program (also QFSG).
SK: SAS - Scandinavian Airlines System
SLF: Self Loading Freight - flight crew lingo for Passengers.
SN: Sabena airlines
SO: Significant Other, referring to one’s partner.
SPG: Starwood Preferred Guest
SQ: Singapore Airlines
SR: Status Run
SSR: Special Service Request in relation to a booking. (e.g. special meal, wheelchair, ...)
SSSS: Selected for Secondary Security Screening
ST: Sky Team alliance
SV: Saudi Arabian airlines
SWMBO: She Who Must Be Obeyed - Wife/"Other/Better Half"/"The Mrs" (Rumpolesque term)
SWP: South West Pacific
SWU: System Wide Upgrade (for any segment in an airline's route system)
SY: Sun Country Airlines
SYD: Sydney airport


T-14: Days before (Velocity) SG and WP could select seats on for Virgin Australia Domestic flights (not applicable since SABRE)
T-80: The time (or shortly afterwards, 3⅓ days) when seating may get opened up on Qantas domestic flights
T/O: Take off
TA: Travel Agent
TBIT: Tom Bradley International Terminal - the main International terminal as LAX (Los Angeles)
TCP: "To Complete Party" - term used when bookings/PNR's are "linked"
TG: Thai Airways
TIX: Short for tickets
TK: Turkish Airlines
TODA: Take Off Distance Available - Runway distance available for Takoff after Aircraft lines up to do so
TP: TAP - Air Portugal
T-Pac: Trans Pacific
TR: Trip Report
TSA: Transportation Security Administration
TSV: Townsville airport
TT¹,T-T: Trans-Tasman
TT²: Tiger Airway (Oz) carrier Prefix
TWMBO: They Who Must Be Obeyed
TZ: American Trans Air


UA: United Airlines
UC: Upgrade Credit
UD: Upper Deck on larger aircraft, like the 744.
UM: Unaccompanied Minor, or a child traveling alone.
UG: UpGrade - such as from economy to business, or business to first.
US: US Airways
USDM: US Airways Dividend Miles - good for reasonably priced mile purchase for award redemptions


VA: V-Australia or Virgin Australia
VDB: Voluntary denied boarding, more commonly known as a "bump".
Velocity: Virgin Australia's Frequren Flyer Scheme
VFR: Visual Flight Rules (good weather)
VS: Virgin Atlantic Airways
VV: Vice versa (Often used here to represent the reverse of a routing)


WASA: Qantas Frequent Flyer "Any Seat Award" in Premium Economy class (earns SC's)
WHY - Generic Economy/Coach class - see Y (as in Why am I here?)
WN: Southwest Airlines
WP: "W*nker" Platinum - A platinum member of QFs FF program (also QFWP).
WP1: "W*nker" Platinum - The Uber Elite platinum level of QFF member of QFs FF program (also WP1 or WP[SUB]x3[/SUB]).
WRT: "With Regards To"
WTF: What the cough?
WTMD: Walk Through Metal Detector
WT+: BA's World Traveller Plus (premium economy class)


Y: Full-fare Economy booking class OR generic Economy.
YASA: Qantas Frequent Flyer "Any Seat Award" in Economy class (earns SC's)
YGM: "You’ve got mail"
YGPM: "You've Got Private Mail"
YMMV: "Your Mileage May Vary"
YMSTBICNPC: You May Say That But I Can Not Possibly Comment [discretion]
YUPP: "Instant Upgrade" fare available in the USA. "Economy" fare that books into First/Business class. (See HUPP/KUPP)
YV: Mesa Airlines
YX: Midwest Express

* This acronym is included for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to cause offence.
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I think this might get advanced to a sticky...excellent work BlacKnox.

thadocta, thanks for the memories. Shattered :oops: - good word actually (when I remember when leaving looking at the meeting room table groaning with the weight of the numerous empty glasses that once contained HP's). A number of us original members of that BNE QP meet are posters here...but we're all on FT. What a night to be born again :D :wink:

For those that want to be reminded - here are the link to the explanation of our abbreviations (courtesy of thadocta) (they are shown on Post #1 on the Ultimate Qantas Guide).

Oh, BTW, YGPM :wink:
Thanks for the input Dave Noble and for the kind words & link Lindsay Wilson.

My previous post will be ammended to include:

ATW: Around The World
CL: Chariman's Lounge - also QFCL
HP: Hahn Premium (how could I forget)
SFSC: Self Funded Status Chaser.

Cheers :!:
I've seen the following on one post by NM but can't find (or figure out) what they mean:

Anyone care to enlighten me?
varyingtravel said:
I've seen the following on one post by NM but can't find (or figure out) what they mean:

Anyone care to enlighten me?

Various types of RTW tickets.

D stands for Business class. Tickets are booked in the "D" fare bucket.
ONE standards for the OneWorld Exporer
The number afterwards stands for the number of continents allowed.
DCIR22 is a Business class Circle Pacific ticket with a max of 22000 nmiles (Fly to america only in a circular fashion).

This link to Flyertalk might help with a better description of what they all are...
varyingtravel said:
I've seen the following on one post by NM but can't find (or figure out) what they mean:

Anyone care to enlighten me?


These are all discounted Business Class ('D') fares with Oneworld airlines.

The DONEx are around the world fares, covering x number of continents. A DONE3 is a three continent ticket (eg Asia, Europe, North America). As we have to transit through Asia, tickets from Australia are a minimum of DONE4.

The DCIR fare is a 'Circle Pacific' fare, with the number denoting the maximum mileage available under the fare (ie, a DCIRC22 has a maximum mileage for all flights of 22,000 miles).
Thanks Craigo

I started to think discount business class may have been part of it.. I don't think I'll ever be able to justify paying business class fares for personal travel.. At least until I win lotto!
varyingtravel said:
Thanks Craigo

I started to think discount business class may have been part of it.. I don't think I'll ever be able to justify paying business class fares for personal travel.. At least until I win lotto!

Then you would freak at a AONE then :D
Good questions varyingtravel and thanks for the replies Mal and Craigo.

I have edited my original post to include:

A: Discounted First booking class (see also F)
CIR: Circle Pacific fare
D: Discounted Business booking class (see also J)
DCIR22: D (Business) CIR (Circle Pacific) 22 (22,000 MPM)
DONE4: D (Business) ONE (OneWorld Explorer) 4 (4 Continents)
F: Full-fare First booking class OR generic First (see also A)
J: Full-fare Business booking class OR generic Business (see also D)
ONE: OneWorld Explorer fare (also OWE)
OWE: OneWorld Explorer fare (also ONE)
SWP: South West Pacific
Y: Full-fare Economy booking class OR generic Economy
WT+: BA's World Traveller Plus (premium economy class)

Keep the feedback/ questions coming. I'm sure there's other stuff we've missed :o .
BlacKnox said:
Something new every day thanks Mal.

LMAO: Laughing My cough Off

Will be added to the list.
try this one:

ROFLMAO is "Rolling on the floor, Laughing My cough Off" :lol:
Elevate your business spending to first-class rewards! Sign up today with code AFF10 and process over $10,000 in business expenses within your first 30 days to unlock 10,000 Bonus PayRewards Points.
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BlacKnox said:
Something new every day thanks Mal.

LMAO: Laughing My cough Off

Will be added to the list.

Wouldn't it be tidier to only include airline travel specific abbreviations rather than adding all generally used txt and internet abbreviations


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