[UPDATE: 26 Sep 2015]
As reported in The Australian today
By lie flat i assume that mean Skybed 2
which would suggest that the A330 current and comming from J* will be the regional plane.
Good to see that we will have plenty of seats 40% more but not sure what the base is...
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian
Updated for the EBF/EBE shuffle.
Based on Qantas Source posts / FR24 data / YSSY board / above
-- Current aircraft in Brisbane maintenance
VH-QPE 330-300 In 4/8/15 (SIN repaint 25/4-12/5) Expect out early-Oct
VH-EBE - In 25/9/15 (still in JQ paint). Expect to SIN~23/10
-- Summary
Refurb complete
A330-300 5 / 10 - QPA, QPB, QPC, QPD, QPI
A330-200 7 / 18 - EBA, EBB, EBF, EBJ, EBK, EBS, EBV
330-300s - 28J/ 269Y, J Panasonic ex3 16" IFE, Y Panasonic exLite 11" IFE
330-200s - 28J/ 243Y, J Panasonic ex3 16" IFE, Y Panasonic 9" IFE (8. EBM-EBS, EBV), 8" iPadMini (10. EBA-EBG, EBJ-EBL)
- QPI yet to be painted to New Roo
- 18 final 330-200s are EBA-EBG, EBJ-EBS, EBV (EBH, EBI to RAAF, EBT, EBU never registered)
-- Refurbishment history
VH-EBV 330-200 - 1mth 15days - In 16/11/14 Out 31/12/14
VH-QPA 330-300 - 2mth 13days - In 3/11/14 Out 16/1/15, C8 check (SIN repaint 2/8-20/8 )
VH-EBA 330-200 - 1mth 12days - In 1/1/15 Out 13/2/15
VH-QPC 330-300 - 2mth 6days - In 17/1/15 Out 23/3/15, C8 check (SIN repaint 16/7/15-2/8/15 )
VH-EBJ 330-200 - 1mth 3days - In 14/3/15 Out 17/4/15 (SIN repaint 27/2-13/3)
VH-QPB 330-300 - 2mth 7 days - In 16/2/15 Out 23/4/15 (SIN repaint 31/1-16/2, C8 check)
VH-EBS 330-200 - 30days - In 26/4/15 Out 25/5/15
VH-QPD 330-300 - 2mth 2 days - In 23/4/15 - out 25/6/15 (SIN repaint 15/3-30/3, C8 check)
VH-EBB 330-200 - 27 days - In 8/6/15 - Out 4/7/15
VH-QPI 330-300 - 28 days - In 7/7/15 Out 3/8/15 (Still needs repaint, no C check)
VH-EBK 330-200 - 31 days - In 22/7/15 Out 22/8/15 (SIN repaint 22/8-9/9)
VH-EBF 330-200 - 28 days - In 27/8/15 Out 23/9/15 (SIN repaint 5/8/15-26/8 from JQ)
-- In Singapore for painting -300s only (all the -200s are already New Roo apart from the VH-EBE)
-- Likely next
VH-QPF 330-300 SIN repaint 13/7-29/7
-- 330-200 configs
5 - Dom with Business Suite, QStreaming iPads - EBA, EBB, EBF, EBJ, EBK
2 - Int/Dom with Business Suite, Panasonic AVOD - EBS, EBV
2 - Int/Dom with SkyBed I, RC AVOD - EBG, EBL
4 - Dom with 2x3x2 J workbench, Panasonic AVOD - EBO, EBP, EBQ, EBR
2 - Dom with 2x2x2 J, Panasonic AVOD - EBM, EBN
2 - Dom with 2x2x2 38 seats, QStreaming iPads- EBC, EBD
1 - Being refurbed - EBE
As reported in The Australian today
Southeast Asian flights to improve the number of connections by an estimated 25 per cent. The airline will upgrade services on Airbus A330 flights to Asia that are expected to include the introduction of lie-flat seats in business class. Officials will also argue that the diversion of London-bound travellers through Dubai will see 40 per cent more seats available for travel to Asia.
By lie flat i assume that mean Skybed 2

Good to see that we will have plenty of seats 40% more but not sure what the base is...
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian