There have been a few drop dead gorgeous ones where I just can't take your eyes off them, and quite a lot of cute, friendly and sweet girls who I can actually have a conversation with because my mouth is not open the whole time.
Being 23yrs old and 6ft 9in, 175kgs, means that there is always something to talk about (oh wow, you're so tall, nah really??), and I spend a lot of time standing rather than seated in economy (I usually fly J nowadays which leads to good conversations while seated).
EDIT: If we're dropping names, Chanelle was on SYD-CBR sector, was crazy to look at, drop dead looker.
I've met a Lauren twice, once on SYD-CBR, and now she works on QF93/94 A380 to LAX, she's probably my favorite FA where we've chatted for 20 mins at a time haha. (Everyone else was sleeping, A380 Business Lounge is a good place to chat).
Am doing QF94 in September, so would love to see her again (no stalker)
Also, one of the girls in the Mel F Lounge, as part of the Spa, She was my masseus, she was a really awesome girl as well, my age and had lots to talk about.
Pity these girls are based in Mel and I'm in boring old Canberra.