People coming past the curtain to use the dunny, especially row-4 platinums.

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May 22, 2011
First of all, let me clarify: I am not a snob. I am not some silver-plated toff on a great fat annuity and I'm not a corporate high-flyer. I am a self-employed person on a pretty average income. I've got no kids to support and therefore I can afford to fly Qantas Business Class - I love flying, and I pay a premium amount to fly in a comfortable section of the cabin which is muted, spacious and receives attentive service. It's how I imagine flying used to be before someone got the idea of jamming us all into the back like sardines. At 6'5", I also find Economy seats to be horrendously uncomfortable.

One thing that irritates me during a flight, in economy or elsewhere, is being brushed past umpteen million times by persons wishing to take a quick (or a long slash) and congregating in aisles. It is claustrophobic, annoying, and often results in elbows to the head or trodden-on feet.

In exchange for the $850 I pay for a one way Business Class tiicket, I expect the Business Class cabin to be kept private. This, I believe, is the purpose of the curtain which is drawn closed after takeoff, and the explicit announcement that 'there are two toilets in the rear of the MAIN CABIN and one in the front for our BUSINESS PASSENGERS'.

Yet last night, sitting in row three with the cabin lights off, I was interrupted from my reading five times by passengers pulling the curtain aside and breezing in to use the front toilet. The CSM said nothing and on one occasion had to retreat with the trolley to the galley to allow someone to pass.

And you know who does it the most? Bloody Platinums in row 4. On the odd occasion when I do sit down the back, it's always the Platinum FFs in row 4 who feel sufficiently entitled to basically intrude into the Business section and take advantage of a (privacy) product for which they or their employer refused to pay.

Note to everyone sitting in the back (and something to which I always adhere despite being a very self-important Platinum FF): You get what you pay for. You pay for an Economy ticket only, then you use the Economy facilities only.

Note to Qantas: Keep the goddam_ curtain shut and if anyone comes past it, tell them to piss off to their designated latrines. Literally. It doesn't make your product quiet, comfortable or exclusive to have the coughper engaged constantly.
Out of curiosity, what is the basis for your assumption that Row 4 is populated by Platinums, do you check their boarding pass?
Um, if you have your back to them, how do you know they live in row four and how do you know they are platinums? BTW anyone who accumulates platinum by flying economy really deserves to use those toilets as they patronize Qantas way more than you do. Not a platinum by the way....
Totally 100% agree with you and staff should do more to positively discriminate.

There are times, however when being a single aisle 737, theres 2 trollys making the way down, versus zero trollys in business. If one is required to offload excess baggage quickly - it's not unreasonable to use the front lav.
Out of curiosity, what is the basis for your assumption that Row 4 is populated by Platinums, do you check their boarding pass?

Im always 4, 5 or 6 - if I need a leak and have free access to the rear, I use the rear, however, if I glance down and there's serving trolleys or other PAX waiting, J it is.

I understand the OP's frustration - I half agree, but in his words the congregating in the isles - this sucks. The CSM should do something about that - being disturbed while the lights are off reading - is that a new sport? :shock:

To the OP - I agree and disagree, I'll let you know my final decision on the way to the loo from row 4 next time we fly together :)

munitalP (that's Platinum spelled backward)
* row 4 is usually platinum due to the T-80 reserved seating for platinum and CL members there.
* being platinum entitled you to published benefits, not to intrude on the PAID FOR service of other people due to a sense of entitlement whether you fly with Qantas often or not (and I AM PLAT)
* i have observed this row 4 phenomenon from economy travel where I always use the rear lavs in spite of being platinum.

And I totally agree too about where it's necessary. On a 744 once I had to get my disabled friend to a toilet and because I'm not He-Man, the front one was the only choice. In that case, the CSM actually let us sit in a Business seat which was empty because I had trouble getting him back to his seat.

But the point is, under normal circumstances, if you haven't paid for Business and there aren't exceptional circumstances, stay out!!

Otherwise they might as well just take the curtain away and advertise the Business cabin as a noisy, intrusive free-for-all.
BTW anyone who accumulates platinum by flying economy really deserves to use those toilets as they patronize Qantas way more than you do. Not a platinum by the way....

I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the OP (more leaning towards agreement though), but I completely disagree with what you've said there.

Yes the Platinum earnt flying economy may have patronised QF more but it doesn't mean that they're entitled to something they haven't paid for....would it then be okay by your logic for an economy passenger on a 744 or 388 to come up to First Class to use the toilets there simply because they're Platinum and have patronised the airline far more than the First Class pax who's paid to be in that section of the aircraft, I think not.

I'm not a Platinum either btw.

* row 4 is usually platinum due to the T-80 reserved seating for platinum and CL members there.
* being platinum entitled you to published benefits, not to intrude on the PAID FOR service of other people due to a sense of entitlement whether you fly with Qantas often or not (and I AM PLAT)
* i have observed this row 4 phenomenon from economy travel where I always use the rear lavs in spite of being platinum.

Sorry but your assumption is very poor based on my experience, Row 4 is open at T-80 to pretty much anybody, not just WP, and its not a WP option before 80, everytime I have sat in Row 4 I have not sat with another Platinum beside me, in fact its either NB or not even a FF, given most flyers will avoid the middle seat. I have done around 100 737 flights in the last 6 months, so my experience would be a fair sample. I have been curious as to how the seating flows, which is why I pay attention to my fellow passengers BPs!
I've most often found it to be so, including a quite recent boarding when I was SG sitting in Row 3 on a 744 and a Mr Snobby Silverspoon barged right in in front of me at boarding, and flashed his BP at me to let me know he was a Plat (and I assume seeking to exercise his right of priority boarding).

The best part of that was, he was sitting in Row 4 right behind me enjoying the foil wrapped snack. Let's face it, there are quite a few Plats who are proverbial PITA and I wager that they are the curtain twitchers too.
I haven't really noticed this as an issue in the J cabin but then I always sit in a window seat so I might just be oblivious. If the trolleys are out blocking access to the rear toilets its not unreasonable for someone in Y forward of the trolleys who has to go to use the J toilet.
Sorry but your assumption is very poor based on my experience, Row 4 is open at T-80 to pretty much anybody, not just WP, and its not a WP option before 80, everytime I have sat in Row 4 I have not sat with another Platinum beside me, in fact its either NB or not even a FF, given most flyers will avoid the middle seat. I have done around 100 737 flights in the last 6 months, so my experience would be a fair sample.

From my experience, its usually those with no status that occupy the middle seats (4,5,6 B/E) which is why you usually sit next to someone without status (assuming you don't pick the middle seat) - which is what you alluded to earlier.
However the aisle and window seats are usually occupied by status (WP, SG, PS) passengers - 99% of the time from what I've witnessed.
Whilst I can empathise with your sentiments the fact that you play the DYKWIA card about people (WP) because of how important you are sort of invalidates any empathy.

I am a WP who generally sits in row 4 (though I prefer row 23) and will walk to the back of the aircraft to use the loos unless there is a massive queue or blocked by trolleys.

Out of interest I haven't seen private loos advertised or described in the ticket conditions for J seats - it would be great if you could point out the benefit you have paid for and missed given that a PA announcement is not part of your conditions of carriage.
The OP is correct, people in Y should use the Y toilets (assuming they actually want to go :p). He is also correct in allowing, as pointed out by other posters, that there may be exceptional circumstances demanding that Y pax use the J toilet (e.g. trolleys blocking aisles). Whether they're Platinums or not is irrelevant though those people closer to the front of the Y cabin are more likely to be 'statused' passengers than those further back.

I'm a big row 4 fan on the 738s (more pitch so it seems than J, though narrower of course), but wouldn't dream of crossing the divide into J unless in an exceptional circumstance. The crew that allows it to happen willy-nilly when clearly it is not necessary is possibly being derelict in their duty. I understand they probably have more important things to concern themselves with but it still should not happen.
I've most often found it to be so, including a quite recent boarding when I was SG sitting in Row 3 on a 744 and a Mr Snobby Silverspoon barged right in in front of me at boarding, and flashed his BP at me to let me know he was a Plat (and I assume seeking to exercise his right of priority boarding).

The best part of that was, he was sitting in Row 4 right behind me enjoying the foil wrapped snack. Let's face it, there are quite a few Plats who are proverbial PITA and I wager that they are the curtain twitchers too.

Looks like you have a real attitude issue towards WP's.

You talk about the right for J's to have their peace in their cabin that they have paid for... Agree. But, you will complain about priority boarding that is earnt by the WP? double standards?
Ok, I'm going to out myself here ( well actually I'm going to out my youngest offspring) for the hideous crime of going to the J toilet. Very full flight SYD-AKL she was occupying the NB seat of shame ( middle seat row 4, WP parents either side). Too absorbed in the IFE to notice full bladder ( both of us that is ;) ) waited with her at the back queue until it became apparent there was going to be a change of clothing required very soon and swiftly moved to the forward cabin. Had a quick word with the FA and disaster averted.
I agree with the OP that in general J toilets should be reserved for J passengers but I think that reasonable exceptions should be allowed. There are always some DKYWIA passengers at the front of the aircraft of varying status who think they should go to the nearest toilet. It is really up to the FA's to direct them.
Overall when I'm lucky enough to be in J I'm likely to be consuming the vino collapso and reasonably oblivious to the passing traffic. YMMV ;)
Ok, I'm going to out myself here ( well actually I'm going to out my youngest offspring) for the hideous crime of going to the J toilet. Very full flight SYD-AKL she was occupying the NB seat of shame ( middle seat row 4, WP parents either side). Too absorbed in the IFE to notice full bladder ( both of us that is ;) ) waited with her at the back queue until it became apparent there was going to be a change of clothing required very soon and swiftly moved to the forward cabin. Had a quick word with the FA and disaster averted.
I agree with the OP that in general J toilets should be reserved for J passengers but I think that reasonable exceptions should be allowed. There are always some DKYWIA passengers at the front of the aircraft of varying status who think they should go to the nearest toilet. It is really up to the FA's to direct them.
Overall when I'm lucky enough to be in J I'm likely to be consuming the vino collapso and reasonably oblivious to the passing traffic. YMMV ;)


Sunday - SYD / ADL, I watched a DYKWIA while I was sitting in 4C fuss around in row 3 overhead sorting out his luggage, moving others luggage, then plonked himself into 4E!!! WTF, the bins above 5 were empty.

I was tempted to point it out to the FA when they were searching for J luggage space, but in the end they found it so I didn't. On landing, this wank tried to force his way past me to get his luggage. FAIL. Unless your name is caterpillar D5, that wont work unless I let it work ;)

Far worse than toilet capers methinks...
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On the few occasions when people from down the back have barged through the curtain, I've asked the staff: "Any chance of keeping the riff raff out?" They usually have a bit of a laugh, then realise I am serious, and do a pretty good job keeping them out.

Sunday - SYD / ADL, watched a DYKWIA from 4C fuss around in row 3 overhead sorting out his luggage, moving others luggage, then plonked himself into 4E!!! WTF, the bins above 5 were empty.

I was tempted to point it out to the FA when they were searching for J luggage space, but in the end they found it so I didn't. On landing, this wank tried to force his way past me to get his luggage. FAIL.

Shame his carry-on didn't get offloaded completely... or you could have accidentally knocked it onto the floor while retrieving your own carry-on at the end of the flight.....

Did he have a WP NGCI disc tag attached to his carry-on, by any chance?

People with poor manners irritate me, whether it's by stashing their carry-on in J before taking their seat in Y, or by trying to push into the (single) boarding queue, or by conducting loud phone conversations in the lounge, etc. The real issue is that people like this are totally selfish and have absolutely no regard for anyone else. This will be a trait they display all the time, not just when they are flying.

It's certainly true that there are some people who have a real sense of entitlement, and seem to think the normal rules don't apply to them! If people want all the privileges of J travel, then get a J ticket!
I am not going to criticise one way or another but practicality overrules wants and desires.

There is 1 toilet at the front for 12 people while there are 2 toilets at the back for 162 people.

I will use the front toilet if I need to go and the trolleys are out in economy or there appears to be a queue down the back or I feel lazy.
I am not going to criticise one way or another but practicality overrules wants and desires.

There is 1 toilet at the front for 12 people while there are 2 toilets at the back for 162 people.

I will use the front toilet if I need to go and the trolleys are out in economy or there appears to be a queue down the back or I feel lazy.

Exactly. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

Oh BTW Mr OP. Us WPs are the ones that will bring you Domestic Priority Boarding. Did we miss you at the barricades as we fired and traded cannon shots with QF?
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