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  1. puppysparkes

    Aff ama

    Hi everyone, does anyone see any benefit to an AFF style AMA with other aviation like minded folk. Granted this is what the AFF community is about. It would be similar to "ask the pilot" so it's not exactly ground breaking. Recently I reached out to this guy and he was happy to participate in an...
  2. puppysparkes

    Qantas Chairmans Lounge

    Very true. In Qld anything above $100 must go on a register.
  3. puppysparkes

    Sharps In Carry On.

    Guys it's been established we are off track. Back on topic yeah?
  4. puppysparkes

    Sharps In Carry On.

    And you got past the interesting 3 stage security clearance in POM!
  5. puppysparkes

    Sharps In Carry On.

    From the title I thought you were alluding to needles for medical purposes.
  6. puppysparkes

    Where should I eat in Cairns

    You can grab a cheap pub meal at the court house. If you fancy kicking on then rattle n hum will do you right
  7. puppysparkes

    Made any travel mistakes lately?

    You'll make the honour role one day
  8. puppysparkes

    New Accor rules question

    I certainly won't make platinum this year (ending 2017). A soft landing will be appreciated for now. The new scheme includes nothing of interest at this time. Neither do any others. Is it me or does status only matter in Asia? NZ = oh I head (six) something bout it so have a voucher (thanks...
  9. puppysparkes

    Made any travel mistakes lately?

    I'm not sure if that was for me but I'm claiming it Cin Cin. Shakespeare never came close!!!!!
  10. puppysparkes

    Made any travel mistakes lately?

    I spent over 6K on a the roll of the dice Vietnam holiday for an ex girlfriend one time. Meh. At least AFF got a thread out of it.
  11. puppysparkes

    Nice wines I have drunk recently - Red or White

    One of the rare times I've wanted to call my wine consultant at 4am I sent him a text instead
  12. puppysparkes

    Multiple applications

    What's your end game?
  13. puppysparkes

    2016 US Presidential Election and Fallout

    2016 US Presidential Election This will probably be the most offensive post on AFF "ever". The fact that none of the presidents have failad to address the woeful sc earn on a status run is ropable... LOTFAP u dun goofed
  14. puppysparkes

    Multiple applications

    Ultimately it will depend on how efficiently your applications are processed. I suggest basing it on the card you desire the most and make your applications in that order. If you're chasing a sign on bonus then start with the card that offers the highest bonus. That was there will be less data...
  15. puppysparkes

    Nice wines I have drunk recently - Red or White

    Good times were had.
  16. puppysparkes

    2016 US Presidential Election and Fallout

    Re: 2016 US Presidential Election I'm actually trying to get odds on whether he will make the first term. Any tips from your sons are appreciated.
  17. puppysparkes

    Made any travel mistakes lately?

    How is that family pooling going though?
  18. puppysparkes

    Amex company technology hopeless

    Use mine if you like
  19. puppysparkes

    2016 US Presidential Election and Fallout

    Re: 2016 US Presidential Election The passionate debate continues
  20. puppysparkes

    Nice wines I have drunk recently - Red or White

    Nice Shiraz! I was on the balcony attempting some plane spotting with flight radar and YBBN ATC on the laptop. I lasted less than five minutes before retreating inside.