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  1. P

    QF economies

    I've noticed a couple of examples of qantas economising that I thought were counter-productive. 1. Not bothering to issue the current inflight magazine and inflight entertainment on BNE-SNG flights in December. This occurred on several flights and on each occasion passengers were told "the...
  2. P

    Premium Y - LAX to SYD

    And the points-price differential isn't too bad when compared with the big difference in seat reclinability and legroom. On the SNG-LHR leg for which I've requested an upgrade, the Y+ is 35,000# and J is 56,000. If only I'd clicked back over into Platinum this year ... my chances would be even...
  3. P

    Premium Y - LAX to SYD

    When you request Upgrade to Business on flights where Premium Econ is available, you can tick a box to accept upgrade to Y+ if J is unavailable.
  4. P

    Premium Y - LAX to SYD

    Re: Premium Y - LAX to SYD (SNG-LHR) I was about to ask a similar Qn re Premium Y on SNG-LHR-SNG. I have an upgradeable Y booking and my only experience of Premium Y was on BA transatlantic (OK, I suppose). It appears that both Premium Y and Business are available... Can anyone comment on...
  5. P

    Driving in Europe

    I think tgh is generally right about the need to distinguish between driving in cities and in the countryside in most parts of Europe (incl. British Isles). I did once drive across Paris on a Saturday night in a RHD transit van - but that was with the ex-Prof Henrietta. More recently...
  6. P

    A screwdriver too far?

    Neither did I. I might have been even grumpier when my small screwdiver - identical to Simongr's #12 above - was confiscated at BNE International 2 yrs ago. It was the essential spectacles-adjuster. At the same time, I am continually bemused that my double sided-car-key - a far more...
  7. P

    What Drugs/Medicine Do You Take With You When Travelling

    & BTW, hotel corkscrews are becoming an endangered species. My best recent experience was at a 4+* hotel in Latin America, where the corkscrew (eventually) turned up clipped (locked!) to the belt of the hotel staff member. By then, I had remembered my undergraduate skills in opening a wine...
  8. P

    What Drugs/Medicine Do You Take With You When Travelling

    perhaps the most memorable advice in this whole string has been to identify a use for the hard plastic "amenities" kits! Nurofen stopper JetEase for long flights - I can't prove it but the general fatigue/dehydration/discombobulation seems to be less when I use it. For prescription meds, I...
  9. P

    QF A330 in-flight entertainment problems

    I have shared these frustrations frequently, but it has certainly not been restricted to QF. I don't travel BA all that often, but when I do I EXPECT to have in-flight entertainment problems. The only exception has been on BA flights to other Euroports - they often don't have it. I've...
  10. P

    Retaining Platinum

    Good points, thanks. The international flight plans were all business; the domestic all econ. The Sth American trip was of course mainly on OW-partner LAN. I had thought that the fact that I was QF-ticketed at least on all the international legs might help: my naivety is showing! The trips...
  11. P

    Retaining Platinum

    Last month I got the email headed: "A reminder to keep your Platinum Privileges" asking me to let them know my future plans by the end of July using a web-based form. The web-form allows only about 8 entries, but I had several international flights - one to Sth America and one to SE Asia...
  12. P

    Internet tools for travel

    A few more from my collection - this is a useful thread Currency Converter for 164 Currencies - useful feature: can convert on dates up to a decade or more in the past - the power behind your travel agency is now at your fingertips - links to several converters (time, length...
  13. P

    Yin Yang seating

    the fan screen - what's the newer one like?
  14. P

    Yin Yang seating

    I had the 'pleasure' of a trans-atlantic flight in the BA Business version of yin-yang last year. I'm not very large at all but the guy next to me was. The size of his shoulders prevented the modesty screen from being put in place. It's also true that the attendants seemed to have some trouble...
  15. P

    One-way Inbound Bookings?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. In the end, I remembered someone I knew in HK who booked me a one-way direct HK-BNE (econ) ticket for some hundreds of dollars cheaper than I cd get it on the web or from either CX or QF in Australia. I didn't know about the multi-destination option so I will...
  16. P

    One-way Inbound Bookings?

    I'm travelling to Rome in mid-Jan for 2 weeks and have a QF points itinerary in business (CX + BA) from BNE to Rome and back as far as HK, where I'm stranded on 1 Feb. I've been checking, but have had no luck finding a points seat in any class on any flight for 14 days after 1 Feb to get back...
  17. P

    Severe Ear Pain during flying - solutions?

    I've been using EarPlanes on all flights for several years & wouldn't fly without them. They don't provide 100% relief but the benefit is significant. I only need them for descents (no ascent problem for me, thankfully) and can usually get about 20 flights' use out of a single pair so the $14...
  18. P

    Noise Cancelling Headphones

    I'm extremely happy with my Bose QC2s; noise cancelling does work without having to be connected to a jack so you can walk around the cabin (or your office - mine is adjacent to a big construction site at the moment!). They are much more effective than my wife's Sony's. While the Bose do allow...
  19. P

    New Qantas Entertainment System

    I can't say that my recent BA experience (LHR-YUL) was awful on "every level" because they upgraded me to Business from premium economy but I DO AGREE with Simongr that the face-to-face (very narrow) seats with footstools were really awful. Cathay (BNE-LHR-BNE), on the other hand ... :D was...
  20. P

    Reply to compaints - your experience?

    QANTAS Complaints Returning from a trip to Toronto, my wife got to LAX 10 days ago only to find that her LAX-BNE aircraft was the one that had been turned back to SYD/AKL(?) after experiencing engine trouble out over the Pacific. Like all the other poor sods, she got an overnight in a pretty...