10,000 bonus points per 20 transactions

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Disclaimer: We have not abused the promo. By smaller transactions I don't mean splitting transactions, I mean simply using Amex instead of cash.

See - this is the crux of the "issue". People who are trying to maximise the personal benefit of this promo are being reviled as schemers and ruining it for everyone else. But I throw it back - the purpose of this promo was to increase usage of the cards. It talked up all the new merchants that you could use your Amex at that you might not be aware of (in fact a few weeks ago I got a brochure identifying all teh new merchants in my area)..

So anyone who hasnt changed usage (i.e. increased) is in fact getting benefit of this promo when they are not contributing to the objectives of the promo.

Talk about expecting something for nothing - "I am happy to take 40k points from Amex for making no change in buying habits".

Personally looking back if I had been putting this together with the benefit of hindsight then I would have suggested that the promo should be based on increased usage above the average monthly number of transactions over the past 3 months - perhaps a little too complex a calculation for the punter though...
I am hoping that at some point things catch up - I haven't actually been awarded a single point from this promotion yet!

I'm with you :!: ... and I do have enough purchases in Oz to qualify :rolleyes:

I'll watch and wait a little longer to see what occurs. :cool:
Personally looking back if I had been putting this together with the benefit of hindsight then I would have suggested that the promo should be based on increased usage above the average monthly number of transactions over the past 3 months - perhaps a little too complex a calculation for the punter though...

I think, though, that this is what they tried to do in a simple way. High transactors had the hurdle set at 20 transactions, mid transactors at 10, and low transactors at 5. If anything, I think the opt-in procedure was flawed, allowing high transactors to register for 5k per 5 transactions.
I did try to by a bus ticket with my Amex :)

If you're in Sydney, you can buy Weekly or Travelten bus tickets with your Amex at 7-Eleven stores (that's certainly a change I've made in my habits now :D). Some are happier about it than others, but it all counts (well hopefully it all counts anyway). ;)
You can also of course refill your go card in SE QLD at most 7-Elevens or online. The train station EFTPOS machines need a PIN though.
Which ones? I've always been rejected for card payments on bus tickets at 7-Eleven

I've had no problems at the one closest to my office (corner of Clarence and Ernest Street) - some others haven't been too happy unless other items have been purchased at the same time though.

A lot of the posters are new here and won't understand the significance, though I'm sure NM will enlighten them if necessary :!: :shock: :rolleyes:
I use my Amex to pay for the petrol in my "b*s". And that is generally a spend of over $100 these days :evil:.
But I throw it back - the purpose of this promo was to increase usage of the cards. It talked up all the new merchants that you could use your Amex at that you might not be aware of (in fact a few weeks ago I got a brochure identifying all teh new merchants in my area)..

Absolutely correct. And I personally have significantly (100%) increased the use of my card as a direct result of this promo. A promo that was a) publicly advertised, and b) I was able to sign up for.

As far as I'm concerned I've fulfilled my part of the bargain. If Amex try to turn around now and not award me the points I am entitled to I will be making two swift phone calls, one to the ACCC and another to Amex to cancel my card.
Well it is almost 5pm...so obviously no "letter" arrived today or someone would have reported it.

Given this was flagged originally I think last Friday (or maybe Saturday) it would indicate that Amex is taking longer to decide what to do that they originally thought.

Maybe the Amex Lawyers don't work weekends ;)
I can confirm too that I haven't rec'd 5k bonus points from yesterday. My last bonus was on 19th and NO I haven't been doing dodgy split bills.

So I guess the 10k cap is now implemented.


Another 7 purchases logged in my account this morning, along with the MR points earned on them, but no bonus points :evil:
oz_mark, my thoughts exactly as I discussed with Amex CS on 18 September and reported!

I think, though, that this is what they tried to do in a simple way. High transactors had the hurdle set at 20 transactions, mid transactors at 10, and low transactors at 5. If anything, I think the opt-in procedure was flawed, allowing high transactors to register for 5k per 5 transactions.
Two observations:

  1. I like how people are posting "I am not cheating the system", long as you are sure you're not then you're not cheating the system.
  2. I also like the fact people are obviously chasing the points if they are willing to go to the ACCC & cancel their cards.
One reason why people don't want to give in the world today is because people try to empty you out at every opportunity.

I'd like to see the 3 pages of T&Cs to cover every little loop hole in the next promotion after this circus.
I've had no problems at the one closest to my office (corner of Clarence and Ernest Street) - some others haven't been too happy unless other items have been purchased at the same time though.

The majority of 7 Eleven stores are doing the right thing by accepting Amex for any purchase and any amount, but there's always the exceptions...
Just tell them you'll buy at another 7 Eleven if they don't take Amex, they'll soon get the message ;)
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