10,000 bonus points per 20 transactions

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That is a good point. Will it be transactions posted before the end-of-month or transactions dated before the end-of-month?

I am sure someone will be talking with AMEX soon, can you check for us.

LOL and when we get 7 different answers we will still have to wait 8 to 10 weeks to find out which was right :D
Re: Amex tactic is to leave customers in limbo till the promo is over

In my Opinion Amex will leave us (the Pre-20th) in limbo for the rest of the promo making us self-regulate and reduce the No of transaction we make, because we wouldn't have a clue where the limit of this UNLIMITED promo lies.
That may sound like a very good idea for Amex. However, it is completely unacceptable for consumers to be enrolled in a promo with hidden T&C or T&C that can be changed to suit the moment at any given time.
How hard is for these people to send us a written confirmation saying if we are either IN or OUT, and a Black&White description of which transactions will count and which wont... T&C covering issues such as Multiple shopping trips per day or small fuel topups, and Bill payment in instalments and some other major rules ... at least a good page of clear to understand rules to play the game and try to make the best out of this UNLIMITED points offer that now is Faraway from Unlimited and starting to feel like a scam. Some people may loose money trying to use only shops that take Amex with the illusion that they will be rewarded OR end up loosing their Credit card after they try to squeez as many points as possible...

PLEASE AMEX make the UNLIMITED Points offer clear for the pre-20th or Modify it once and for all.

Whatever you do AMEX do it in WRITING and SOON

Seriously Rodgerbranch, take a bit of time out and read the T&C and FAQ.. I think it answers it quite clearly. Here are are the links:

For the FAQ's

American Express, Bonuspoints FAQ

for the Amended T&C


People who have spent simply to try and earn points shouldn't have a card. It comes down to responsible spending.
Re: Amex tactic is to leave customers in limbo till the promo is over

PLEASE AMEX make the UNLIMITED Points offer clear for the pre-20th or Modify it once and for all.

Whatever you do AMEX do it in WRITING and SOON
Frankly, I think we need to give AMEX a bit of a break. The new FAQ spells it out very clearly for those that were enrolled prior to 20 September, but is worded in such a way that it avoids causing prejudice against those that 'missed out' on 'no cap' (by reiterating that a cap applies to those registered from 20 September). The confusion is not with AMEX, it is here, in this thread. They have taken steps to clarify the situation, and for those in the know, it's crystal clear... If you need more direct, more personal and specific terms, that are delivered to you on a silver platter, you will always be a 'have-not', even when you're a 'have'!
Hi All

I just faxed my letter to ASIC to complain about AMEX

Main point of my complaint was people are incurring debt to increase the number of bonus point which could be detriment to their current financial position and therefore ASIC must act as a matter of urgency

I suggest to all to either Fax write or email ASIC the more people that do this the more ASIC will Act

ASIC only like to catch big fish as small fish dont reward them with new budget allocation of money Get ASIC attention and they will act

that's the person's own fault. Not Amex's. responsible spending.. why should ASIC act? and in what manner? what corporation law have they broken?

i have to say you really wasted your 25 cents on the fax.
Personally I paid cash for anything under roughly $20 - now that is $10 simply due to time and convenience.
Me too... problem is I have had 3 of these smallish transactions (under $15) declined in the past week at places that I am sure take Amex. Maybe I've just been very unlucky because I've never had a problem with this card before?
Re: Amex tactic is to leave customers in limbo till the promo is over

In my Opinion Amex will leave us (the Pre-20th) in limbo for the rest of the promo making us self-regulate and reduce the No of transaction we make, because we wouldn't have a clue where the limit of this UNLIMITED promo lies.
That may sound like a very good idea for Amex. However, it is completely unacceptable for consumers to be enrolled in a promo with hidden T&C or T&C that can be changed to suit the moment at any given time.
How hard is for these people to send us a written confirmation saying if we are either IN or OUT, and a Black&White description of which transactions will count and which wont... T&C covering issues such as Multiple shopping trips per day or small fuel topups, and Bill payment in instalments and some other major rules ... at least a good page of clear to understand rules to play the game and try to make the best out of this UNLIMITED points offer that now is Faraway from Unlimited and starting to feel like a scam. Some people may loose money trying to use only shops that take Amex with the illusion that they will be rewarded OR end up loosing their Credit card after they try to squeez as many points as possible...

Please stop posting this incoherent nonsense.

Punctuation was invented for a reason - it makes it possible for other people to understand what you are writing. If you don't believe in punctuation, and are just posting for self gratification, then start a blog.

No one is being "left in limbo" - stop trying "game the system" and just spend what you would normally spend, plus what you think is reasonable. End of story.

And please stop posting the rubbish about how QANTAS and other partners aren't going to like this.
Re: Amex tactic is to leave customers in limbo till the promo is over

Frankly, I think we need to give AMEX a bit of a break. The new FAQ spells it out very clearly for those that were enrolled prior to 20 September, but is worded in such a way that it avoids causing prejudice against those that 'missed out' on 'no cap' (by reiterating that a cap applies to those registered from 20 September). The confusion is not with AMEX, it is here, in this thread. They have taken steps to clarify the situation, and for those in the know, it's crystal clear... If you need more direct, more personal and specific terms, that are delivered to you on a silver platter, you will always be a 'have-not', even when you're a 'have'!

Just to make it easier for some

All Cardmembers enrolled in the offer will be entitled to bonus points based on the terms and conditions communicated to them before they enrolled.
Re: Bonus points - have you received them?

Before I waste my time calling AMEX to verify if I'm enrolled (I'm sure they'd be sick and tired of it by now), could anyone who enrolled on/post Sept 20 advise me if they have received their bonus points, and if the points are visible on the MR site?


As per much earlier in the thread.

Yes I received bonus points.

The last bonus points posted with the date of 23/9...and were visible the morning after the 24/9 (as normal points if postedare normally first visible the day after they occur).

Nor Bonus points have posted since, though normal MR points continue to post each day.

Points were visible on MR site then...and then still are.
Amex tactic is to leave us in limbo untill the promo is over

Please stop posting this incoherent nonsense.

Punctuation was invented for a reason - it makes it possible for other people to understand what you are writing. If you don't believe in punctuation, and are just posting for self gratification, then start a blog.

No one is being "left in limbo" - stop trying "game the system" and just spend what you would normally spend, plus what you think is reasonable. End of story.

And please stop posting the rubbish about how QANTAS and other partners aren't going to like this.

This is a clear example of what AMEX is trying to achieve: (stop trying "game the system") May I ask WHAT SYSTEM ? after 1 month running this promo we still don't have written rules to "game or even have a FAIR go in AMEX UNLIMITED Points system"; (spend what you would normally spend, plus what you think is reasonable) IS that Right? Cos I thought everyone has been spending what they think is reasonable and I see many posts from people wondering what happened to their 20,000 points taken back from their accounts ?

It has been over 15 days since I registered for the original offer. I did ask very clearly when signed for the promo WHAT ARE THE FULL T&C? I was told It would be mailed to me the same day and so far not a single word from them.

I have no time for business or people who want to take me for a fool, and I do not trust companies that try to hide behind their general T&C saying "we reserve the right to do and undo as we wish at anytime"

All I am saying is, AMEX needs to communicate as soon as possible (and in WRITING) what the rules to get UNLIMITED UNCAPPED points are, or IF they don't pretend to give us UNLIMITED points then they have to Mod the T&C to reflect once and for all what their real intentions are.

Do not take any more verbal advice from them without getting a written copy.
I think I may have an explanation as to why some pre 20th Sep "no postcard" members are being told capped and some no cap.

When I spoke to the CSR yesterday I told him I registered online on the 19th but did not have a postcard. He said he would have to check my account to see if I was on the mailing list before he could tell me if I was capped. He did that, said I was not on the list, therefore the cap would apply.

So it may be that even though others did not receive the card, they were on the original mailing list and so were advised the original T&Cs applied for them. I hope this helps and doesn't muddy the waters further. Just trying to add what might be new information.
Re: Amex tactic is to leave us in limbo untill the promo is over

All I am saying is, AMEX needs to communicate as soon as possible (and in WRITING) what the rules to get UNLIMITED UNCAPPED points are, or IF they don't pretend to give us UNLIMITED points then they have to Mod the T&C to reflect once and for all what their real intentions are.


Though often tempted, I have resisted adding to what has become a desperate and ineffectual rant. That is, of course, until now.

If you look at my past posts you will see that I have been no defender of Amex, but this is getting ridiculous. The promo is quite simple, unless you READ otherwise (assuming you enrolled pre the 20th) simply don't abuse the program and you'll get your points. Amex doen't need to put anything in writing because they already have.

But what is abuse you ask? I don't know, none of us do, but I suspect the people posting messages such as that which I have quoted above have a pretty good idea; abuse is precisely the kinds of things they want Amex to explicitely allow. I suggest to these people that those dreadful doubts they have about whether 73 trips to 7/11 in a day "just for a drink" or shopping at Woolies 4 times a day because they "don't like doing big shopping" won't go away by posting them here. They will remain because they are caused by guilt.

I myself have on occasion made multiple small transactions at one merchant in a day but I'm not stressed because I know I haven't abused the system and I'm confident that the courts will support my judgment SHOULD it come to that.

In the end, I suppose, there is only greed and fear.
I hope this helps and doesn't muddy the waters further. Just trying to add what might be new information.

Firstly, this is not aimed at you snufl, but rather the collective 'us'.

There are only about a dozen posts that provide new information on this whole thread (yes, I've read them all). Discussion is great, but I'd like to point out that we are not getting nor providing information. All we are getting is more data: dirty, dirty data.

That said, it is great fun isn't it?! :D
I think I may have an explanation as to why some pre 20th Sep "no postcard" members are being told capped and some no cap.

When I spoke to the CSR yesterday I told him I registered online on the 19th but did not have a postcard. He said he would have to check my account to see if I was on the mailing list before he could tell me if I was capped. He did that, said I was not on the list, therefore the cap would apply.

So it may be that even though others did not receive the card, they were on the original mailing list and so were advised the original T&Cs applied for them. I hope this helps and doesn't muddy the waters further. Just trying to add what might be new information.

Herein lies the last question I see about this. All the fluff about abuse/not abuse will be sorted out. If people feel that they have missed points due to being accused of abuse - they can argue that on a case by case basis with Amex.

The last question for me is around the targetted vs. non-targetted pre 20 Sep groups. The message is clear now from various verbal comms that the non-targetted group wont get unlimited points. That is the group that will have grounds to go back to Amex and show them the original T&Cs and the message from Luisa early in this thread and request their unlimited points.

If Amex send me a letter saying I am not up for unlimited points - I will take this up with them.
Correct, but any letter received will be to say there is a cap or some sort of limit, otherwise no need for a letter

Oh I am still waiting for the phone call that another person on here said that an AMEX CSR mentioned would happen


I have been advised by amex yesterday that i will be expecting a phone call from the back office within the next 5 day. Not sure if i will get one....
OK - so we now close out the first "month" of transactions. Sadly I think I might have miscaculated as I had 44 transactions since 17 Sep (which was the date from which transactions started to accrue bonuses). That should account for points already credited by Amex so I think I am on a fresh month - time to stretch that flexible friend ;)
OK - so we now close out the first "month" of transactions. Sadly I think I might have miscaculated as I had 44 transactions since 17 Sep (which was the date from which transactions started to accrue bonuses). That should account for points already credited by Amex so I think I am on a fresh month - time to stretch that flexible friend ;)

I think I will be ok when the transactions for yesterday post, and assuming they count against September. I did make a point of putting a 'spare' transaction through just in case :)
The last question for me is around the targetted vs. non-targetted pre 20 Sep groups. The message is clear now from various verbal comms that the non-targetted group wont get unlimited points. That is the group that will have grounds to go back to Amex and show them the original T&Cs and the message from Luisa early in this thread and request their unlimited points.

Agreed. I am in the same boat as you and unless Amex advises me otherwise I am quite certain that my points are not capped. We have no reason to expect to be capped based on Amex's OFFICIAL actions to date.

The only quasi-argument made thus far by amex is that the promo was targetted. This has been well debated and it's clear that it doesn't hold up.
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Re: Amex tactic is to leave us in limbo untill the promo is over

This is a clear example of what AMEX is trying to achieve: (stop trying "game the system") May I ask WHAT SYSTEM ? after 1 month running this promo we still don't have written rules to "game or even have a FAIR go in AMEX UNLIMITED Points system"; (spend what you would normally spend, plus what you think is reasonable) IS that Right? Cos I thought everyone has been spending what they think is reasonable and I see many posts from people wondering what happened to their 20,000 points taken back from their accounts ?

It has been over 15 days since I registered for the original offer. I did ask very clearly when signed for the promo WHAT ARE THE FULL T&C? I was told It would be mailed to me the same day and so far not a single word from them.

I have no time for business or people who want to take me for a fool, and I do not trust companies that try to hide behind their general T&C saying "we reserve the right to do and undo as we wish at anytime"

All I am saying is, AMEX needs to communicate as soon as possible (and in WRITING) what the rules to get UNLIMITED UNCAPPED points are, or IF they don't pretend to give us UNLIMITED points then they have to Mod the T&C to reflect once and for all what their real intentions are.

Do not take any more verbal advice from them without getting a written copy.

Have you not read anything that has been posted here? Or are you just ranting now? I posted two links to Amex's website that explained it all. What more do you want? It's been stated already on their site, if you signed up prior to the 20th, the original T&C apply! Please stop posting these ranting posts!
I have no postcard, signed up on 19/9.

I called AMEX twice just then:
1) Customer Service section - they said they've checked with their supervisor and said that i am still eligible for original T&C. I noted her name and time.

2) Membership Rewards section - he checked that i am not on the "targetted" list, but since i signed up before 20/9, they would give me 10k/month capped.

So there you go, in the space of 20 mins, I had 2 very different answers.

For 2), i presented my arguments further and he said he'd investigate further and get back to me. My main arguements:
1) it was clear about the TandC when I signed up that it was unlimited.
2) the offer was made publicly available, even on the landing page for a brief moment.
3) I accept change in T&C, but NOT in retrospect. Need any amendments in writing.
4) my spending pattern has been changed with the knowledge of the original T&C.

Will update you guys if/when I hear from them.
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