If Centurion gave a choice between MCP Diamond and EK Gold, MCP Diamond would be a no brainier for me. I've had numerous award seats released due to Diamond status, which subsequently caused me to burn a few million miles through the program. If rumors are true that this benefit is being scrapped, it will truly be missed by me. Lets not forget we went through this same rumor last year - however this year it seems people are being given straight answers.
Sent email to my RM questioning continuation of MPC Diamond and current rumors of the benefit being discontinued. Response was to the effect of "to date we have received no official communication from Cathay Pacific. I am aware of the rumors though do not know if there is truth in them or not... as soon as I have an update I will be sure to inform you"
Probably a question you should be asking someone further up the food chain than me my friend.Thanks Cruiser. I wonder if this applies to the Plat charge for marco polo gold? My MPC GO expires Feb 2014, so does this mean I get an additional 6 months after that?
Gee, what a surpriseThat benefit had longevity didn't it.
How about access to The St James Club in London or The Hong Kong Club, hmm remember those :?:
So let us now add up all of the 'exclusive' Centurion benefits afforded to members for the $5000 fee. I think you can just about count them on the finger of one finger :shock:
Received an email from my Centurion RM yesterday with an update. I was advised that because my renewal date is in February I would be complemented with another 12 months Diamond status and then would be subject to MPC criteria. Ridiculous that Centurion is providing conflicting messages to their customers. Will shoot another email and ask for clarity.
Not a great fan of Cent MIB?Wake up everyone. They should be paying you to use the card, not the other way round. If you charge $200,000 to $300,000 per annum to your AMEX card they are already making around $5000 off your spending in merchant fees, then charging you another $5000 on top for the privilege! Then you are looking desperately into the cracks and crevices to see what benefits you are actually gettingThis thing is like the casinos, the house always wins.