True democracy requires us to have voluntary voting. This was originally the case in Australia, but sadly, no more.
At polling booths, one sees a very large number of disenchanted voters who come in, against their will, and either vote informal or vote Labor/Greens.
Far better for democracy that results aren't skewed because of this cohort who don't care about politics voting by compulsion.
Hats off to those many countries that have voluntary voting.
Many reforms to the voting process have been advocated by Coalition MPs over the years but the ALP in particular has a huge vested interest in maintaining compulsory voting, preferably with as few identity checks on voters as possible. It was the political party most skilled in the 'vote early, vote often' modus operandi that I jokingly referred to in the heading.
Anyway, given your experience at MEL with the AEC, unless it's an omission by the AEC that's to be rectified in the list, why aren't there early voting centres at Melbourne and Sydney airports (and others, but I've not checked them) in 2019?