If you are trying to imply that Bankwest thought it was a great idea to foster micro-payments for such a long period, then I doubt that completely.
If you read my post again you will note that I remarked that I was amazed that they took so long to act. As to why it took them so long one can only speculate. Incompetence, covering up, stupidity, no-one checking, "it's not my job", not understanding what the problem really was, or just greed from the marketing department gaining fat bonuses for "new customers", the Marketing Whizz not wanting to admit that their brain-child was more Frankenstein than Enstein, or all of the above etc etc...
I don't know why they cough*** Up so grandly, but this is one huge cough* Up.
I personally would not be that surprised that for a long time that their internal monitoring systems did not flag that they had a problem, and that they as an organisation thought that they were doing really well at acquiring new customers.
Allowing such a system for so long simply does not stack up. It does not attract customers that you really want, generated behaviour that would have created extra costs for the bank and a number of organisations.
Organisations can and do make mistakes, and sometimes for lengthy periods. I can think of two currently that Amex has been ignoring for years.(Thanks Amex

I personally benefited from a Amex Promo majorly because while they realised they had stuffed up initially they thought it was due to allowing people to register for a promo that they were not entitled to, rather than that the big problem being that the bonus per point was simply way too generous.