The Sevegre Valley is chockers with hotels and lodges. Ours is pretty good - slow WiFi being the biggest bugbear after generally blazing speeds everywhere else (including on our mini bus.)
The meal service is interesting. Breakfast is buffet, which is normal and fine - although no egg chef. Lunch and dinner can be a la carte or buffet, depending on numbers.
We arrived fairly late yesterday and lunch was a la carte and I had the trout and part of a bottle of Albarino. Dinner last night was buffet, my pet hate

, which I preceded with the rest of the Albarino and with it had some of a SFO Bay Area Merlot, the origin of which intrigued me.
Wente is apparently the oldest family-run winery in LOTFAP. Being in the Livermore Valley east of Berkeley is an interesting aspect. I’ve always been intrigued by the somewhat, to me, oddly named ‘National Ignition Facility’ at the Lawrence Livermore Lab, so I had to ignite my taste buds with the local wine

Lunch today was again a la carte, so I had the tenderloin (fillet) with the cream green peppercorn sauce and finished the Merlot.
The served meals were very good and the Merlot had improved greatly overnight.
Now just chilling after lunch before wandering around to spot more of the amazing birds here. But I have to say humming birds are becoming just so ho-hum...
