Then on to the local Kremlin (meaning a fort - and BTW, ‘red’ in Russian means ‘beautiful’. Hence Red Square is ‘beautiful square’ - not a place of ‘commie rats’).
And another church with a very shiny dome as I was walking back to the lodging to collect my bag for transfer to Vladimir to catch the express train back to Moscow.
And a nice wooden house on the way.
A very tall-steepled church in Vladimir.
At the station in Vladimir (a large city) waiting for the express and fairly fast train (up to 160 kph) to Moscow, there was free blazingly fast WiFi. Hmmm - I don’t know about eastern Australia, but I don’t get that at the Perth train stations...
About 1.5hand we’re back in Moscow and a two-stop Metro ride. The station vestibule.
I mean, why do these people put up with such cough, I wonder

. PER Central is just SO much more sophisticated...

The Metro is easy to use. The stops are all sub-titled in English and the (very clear) audio announcements are sub-announced in perfect BBC English. You can’t go wrong. It’s simply a pleasure - and an experience - to use.
Honestly, Russia and Moscow, is just wonderful. It is certainly not oppressive. As our lovely hostess last night said: “See, Russian people really can smile!” Taking the p!ss so well...
Yet again, as I am constantly discovering, put the stereotypes well away... They are constantly wrong.
It is true that the bureaucracy is a PITA, but until someone here has the guts to say to the boss one day: “Hey boss, WTF are we doing this for?”, just suck it up and go with the flow.