Interesting food. I do find some of those good but a touch w@nky. I loved my time in Russia. Thanks for the great memories
Oh, of course it’s w@nky - but isn’t the whole world pretty much that way these days?

I alluded to that with the ‘farm-to-table’ thing. Errr, like, what else could it be?

Just sooo ‘sustainable’ and virtue-signalling - not to mention the marketing aspect...

. (I do happen to be an agricultural scientist).
But, that said, IMHO that stuff can leaven things and help make for a very entertaining night out - and that’s precisely what we had - without stuffing far too much food down my gullet. It helps keep the conversation flowing and circulating around the table. It’s entertainment and not to be taken too seriously

My millennial buddies (half my age, but the same age as my kids) were just wonderful company and we had a blast for almost five hours. I do hope that they enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed theirs.
Two of the American ladies were travel agents (one being a N American brand manager for the Australian company that ran the tour), so they were really interesting and informative company, one guy was a chemical engineer doing really interesting stuff with metal coatings (and a real whisky nerd) the other lady was a graphic designer and her husband was in e-commerce. I was a mere elderly retiree along for the ride... - and keeping clear of the old f@rts

I’m now in DOH for two nights and over to LHR on Friday. Just to keep on-theme, on Saturday I’m meeting my elder son and his girlfriend in London and, at his instigation (and he’s going to pay - whether he knows that now or not is immaterial

), I managed against all odds to score a reservation at The Ledbury (if unfamiliar with that, scope World’s 50 best restaurants...).
I’ve put on the nosebag there twice before, once with my son (I paid

Hey, I have it on reasonable authority that you only live once...