Hi Matt,
Love the podcast! Your have a perfect podcasting voice and are very pleasant to listen to. I like the combination of starting with news and then focusing on one topic in a little depth. I also enjoyed the interview with Clifford and to hear the history of AFF.
If I can give some feedback as a previous podcaster myself, I think it's good to promote your FFS service in the podcast, but the ad is poor quality. The sound quality drops when Clifford speaks (he should be of equal or better quality to the presenter), plus the script is pretty weak. He doesn't really explain what FFS is and what the benefits are.
I think the podcast would be a great platform for growing that part of the business with ads that are more polished.
Another point is it isn't really clear where the show notes are. Are they on AFF or somewhere else?
My 2 cents.
Good luck with it!