Wednesday and check out from the Westin.Catch their 0805 shuttle to the ferry pier.As the bus takes off the rain starts to come down.Thunderstorms had been predicted for the 5 days we were here but this is the first.Driver stops at the public bus stop-this is under cover.Straight into the ferry terminal and buy our ticket-decide on economy this time.Fare 235-either pacatas or HKD-so we get rid of our pacatas.
Immigration is no problem and off to boarding gate.Unfortunately there is a sign up-"this vessel is delayed due to delay of vessel"

Even worse though there is an extended Chinese family with one very spoilt(and large)young boy.keeps throwing tantrums and insists on throwing himself on the floor and screaming right in front of me.Mum buys him a packet of 25 Ferreiro Rocher-consumes them all and next tantrum-goes through some chinese delicacies,biscuits and an icecream whilst we wait for the delayed vessel.
Finally we get to board.We had been allocated seats but only 25% of seats taken so we spread out.Before we know it we are at HKG.Off the boat and to the CX checkin counters-groups at all counters.We walk into the J queue and a CX lady who is doing the Thai counter calls us over.We had been preallocated 14A,C.Mrsdrron is still in 14A but i am in 15K.So we get put together in 17A,C.Our bags had been checked through to KUL at the ferry terminal in Macau.
Downstairs and we catch the train to the departure terminal.At security I am pulled up.Mrsdrron had put a bottle of water in my carryon(first thing she does in any hotel in case we dont get waters renewed).this time she has forgotten about it.The lady security officer has a sense of humour-"now who's the silly boy who has forgotten his water bottle?"Then when it is produced asks if i want to drink it.Then tells me i really should have taken my bag of liquids out-"but it is a silly rule so we wont worry about it"

Off to the CX Flounge at the wing.Get served a cappucino,read the paper and then decide it is time for an early lunch.A great Chinese buffet with some beautiful pork dishes.One of the Waitresses though has an attitude that some could take offence to-"You WILL sit here".Pity she didn't have a german accent.

No walk from the lounge as our KUL flight is from Gate 2-a regional B777.
The fellow in 14C is obviously a CX regular.All the staff stop and talk to him for several minutes.Once again CX is in no doubt who has the status with us.Mrsdrron always spoken to first.The meal was pretty ordinary-veggies very much overdone-glad we ate in the lounge.
Get priority passes for Immigration.Unfortunately the priority lines seem a lot slower than the ordinary lines and we have arrived just after an Air Egypt flight.Finally get through.Bags are about the middle of the bunch.Straight through,buy our tickets for the KLIA express and arrive on the platform as a train opens its doors.Soon off and 30 minutes later arrive at Sentral and off to the LM.
KL is next.