Except you have the option to request the travel pass instead of traditional flight credit which has no such limitations.
The travel pass puts the credit amount on what is effectively a pre-paid credit card that you can use to pay any amount over multiple purchases. This option offered to all during 2020-21 and there were even incentives to convert flight credits to travel pass such as DSC or double points.
It is clear too many customers fail to read emails.
You should email Joe with this exact post. Even spruce it up a bit with some more condescending language, call him a clown or something. He will probably respond by quoting you in his articles.
I’m being 100% serious BTW. He did exactly that when someone I went to school with emailed him several years back. They tried to take him on about his commentary on Blue Sky Alternative Investments. The series of articles where he continually got a mention were hilarious.