I was just checking my math was correct, as I don't usually buy miles, so wanted to make sure I wasn't buggering up the numbers. With the price that QF charges, whether justified or not, the award tickets looked to be good value. Yes, I'm sure Qantas is terrible these days. Even I had a flight that wasn't catered in J last weekend. But if Virgin and Rex don't fly where I want to go, there's even less value in choosing them over Qantas
I think QF should get a lot of bad press for how they've been treating their customers lately, but lately there has been a trend on this site to derail any thread about Qantas, any question about Qantas, with posts that basically, say, "you should fly Virgin or Rex instead". It's completely off topic and not answering the OP every time that happens.
It makes this site look like it has a bunch of posters who can't see fit to just answer a question without slagging off QF on the side. It's getting old.