AMEX not accepted or surcharge

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Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Phone - Vodafone, Optus, most low cost international phone cards

Optus and Telstra don't have an Amex surcharge but they do charge a 1% fee for any credit card payment, including Visa.

I agree -- 1/3 of business don't accept Amex or charge extra.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

So next time, if you need an item, which is $500 there + surcharge, or $600 at Sydney Hi Fi, you would rather pay $600 at Sydney Hi- Fi rather than going to WOW at $500 + $10 AmEx surcharge at WOW?
Jetstar consistently has cheaper sale airfares, I bolded sale as Jetstar is not always cheaper, and yet I have never flown Jetstar and I continue to purchase airfares from Qantas who are more expensive, only sometimes, but have a surcharge for using any credit card.

There are a number of businesses I no longer visit because they do not accept Amex or have a surcharge for using Amex. Is the product cheaper at the business I am boycotting? I don't know and I do not care. They should have realised the consequences when they made the decision to not accept or surcharge Amex....
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

There are a number of businesses I no longer visit because they do not accept Amex or have a surcharge for using Amex. Is the product cheaper at the business I am boycotting? I don't know and I do not care. They should have realised the consequences when they made the decision to not accept or surcharge Amex....

I think most people act more rationaly than you. Sure it would be nice to use Amex, but I believe most people would compare prices and if there is a significant difference in price then they would buy at the cheapest place, regardless of whether or not they take Amex.

If there is only a small difference in price or if the cardholder has other reasons (eg they don't have much free cash and they have a big Amex credit limit) then they may pay a higher price at a Amex taking store.

It is suprising to see your loyalty to Amex. I doubt they have the same loyalty towards you. Unless it is just that you have excess cash and you don't care about wasting it by purchasing at higher priced Amex non surcharging merchants.

They should have realised the consequences when they made the decision to not accept or surcharge Amex....

Whilst you think you are hurting the business, it is likely that overall the amex surcharging business is better off as they are able to offer lower prices compared to their competitors and as such get more sales. I think the number of people who are prepared to pay significantly more for products as a matter or principal to boycott merchants surcharging for Amex is quite few.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Is this not the definition of a points cough? :cool:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I think most people act more rationaly than you. Sure it would be nice to use Amex, but I believe most people would compare prices and if there is a significant difference in price then they would buy at the cheapest place, regardless of whether or not they take Amex.

If there is only a small difference in price or if the cardholder has other reasons (eg they don't have much free cash and they have a big Amex credit limit) then they may pay a higher price at a Amex taking store.

It is suprising to see your loyalty to Amex. I doubt they have the same loyalty towards you. Unless it is just that you have excess cash and you don't care about wasting it by purchasing at higher priced Amex non surcharging merchants.

Whilst you think you are hurting the business, it is likely that overall the amex surcharging business is better off as they are able to offer lower prices compared to their competitors and as such get more sales. I think the number of people who are prepared to pay significantly more for products as a matter or principal to boycott merchants surcharging for Amex is quite few.

People will boycott services etc. for many reasons and we can argue about the (ir)rationality of their decisions black and blue forever.

For example, some months ago, my dad noticed a small discrepancy on his newspaper delivery bill. When he called the newsagency organising the run, it took two calls for him to secure his money back. After settling his account properly and having a subdued yet heated argument about the supposed incompetence of the newsagency staff, he immediately cancelled the service in protest and just bought the paper himself. He probably spends more (time and possibly money) in getting the paper himself rather than having it delivered, but so there.

There are an infinite number of people who have had one (that's right, one) kerfuffle with Qantas (in many capacities and in various degrees of fault, i.e. theirs, Qantas's or a mixture of both), but have vowed never to fly the airline again. It doesn't matter how much "good" they've been served in the past, or what status they ever had with the airline. Or, for that matter, we could replace Qantas with any other airline and have a new set of cases again.

It has been well established that there are a sizeable number of people who will pay more just to obtain better (or some) service. Otherwise, every mass computer retailer would be out of business (because everyone knows it's cheaper just to walk to the nearest whitebox computer reseller/wholesaler). Let's not start with travel agents.

Not accepting Amex (or any credit card for that matter - Diners anyone?) or surcharging for it is just another reason why people make these kinds of decisions. And for you to argue that "what Amex does loyalty show you" is a folly argument. This is the same reason why people choose credit cards with rewards programs, choose to credit flights to FFPs, etc. and as a direct consequence this greatly shapes how they shop for goods and services. This kind of behaviour is one key element that businesses and marketeers rely on when positioning their products; the power of one may not hurt a business, but the underlying principle remains and if you were on the business's side do you think that is a risk you are prepared to accept? Otherwise, if every business took your view seriously, there would be no point to loyalty programs, and Amex would be out of business (if businesses realise that accepting Amex was for chumps due to the high merchant fee, wouldn't you think they'd stop accepting them so that they could maximise profits?)

The balance here is simply that some will only go so far for their preference to a loyalty program or credit card as it is measured against the price difference. In some cases, price matching or negotiation can evaporate that difference, and in other cases some people won't care because of time and effort. That 'balance' differs from person to person but the spectrum is well known to businesses, marketeers and credit card companies, so for you to define what is "rational" or not and label other people as such or otherwise is foolish.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I think most people act more rationaly than you.
Really? I actually think I am quite rational but very passionate when it comes to making certain decisions. If I looked to purchase the cheapest all the time then I would not be looking for quality and I would be flying Jetstar, Tiger, Ryanair etc everywhere I go. No thanks.

Sure it would be nice to use Amex, but I believe most people would compare prices and if there is a significant difference in price then they would buy at the cheapest place, regardless of whether or not they take Amex.
I think you are completely wrong. Most of the time people do not have the time to compare prices. Look at the Jetstar, Virgin Blue and Qantas example I used recently in another thread about purchasing airfares at the last minute. You would be surprised who was the cheapest.

I don't know what most people actually buy but most of the things I purchase do not have a great difference in price between most businesses. Why should I support a business if it has nothing to offer me other than a few dollars off?

Also I refuse to deal with any business if they only accept Paypal as I despise Paypal wth a passion.

It is suprising to see your loyalty to Amex. I doubt they have the same loyalty towards you. Unless it is just that you have excess cash and you don't care about wasting it by purchasing at higher priced Amex non surcharging merchants.
Again the same reasons as above. I could not care less about Amex but at same time they have, clearly, the best credit card rewards program for someone like me. I currently have enough points for ~6 trips to Thailand with SQ and by they time I get to use these trips I will hopefully have accumulated some more points for more trips.

Whilst you think you are hurting the business, it is likely that overall the amex surcharging business is better off as they are able to offer lower prices compared to their competitors and as such get more sales. I think the number of people who are prepared to pay significantly more for products as a matter or principal to boycott merchants surcharging for Amex is quite few.
I think you would be surprised.

Oh and another thing, I do not like to be told what credit card I can or can't use just because it is more convenient for the business to accept certain credit cards only.

By the way I do use cash where I feel it is appropriate and I will only use a Visa or Mastercard if I have no choice like an overseas hotel booking and they want money upfront and they only accept Visa or Mastercard....
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I think that's why I'm happy with my Westpac Altitude. The convenience of having both Amex and Visa linked to the same rewards scheme makes up for the slightly-less-than-optimum rate of reward.

Still, having said that, I've been suggesting a lot of businesses through the Business finder thingy on the Amex site. The only response I've gotten back so far is an e-mail to say that they're currently in negotiation with McDonalds (yes, I ate there) to accept Amex.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Still, having said that, I've been suggesting a lot of businesses through the Business finder thingy on the Amex site. The only response I've gotten back so far is an e-mail to say that they're currently in negotiation with McDonalds (yes, I ate there) to accept Amex.

Yep I have given up suggesting to AMEX. I have suggested well over 100 places/utilities that do not accept AMEX.

From my local coffee shop "The Coffee Club" to a utility company, not one of them accept Amex after 12 months. I used to get a weekly email from Amex just saying they are in discussions with the business. Now I don't even get a reply when I submit a business.

As for the coffee shop, I won't waste my time and I will simply not shop there anymore!

The owner of The Coffee Club near me knows he is losing at least $100 a week from me alone by not accepting Amex as I take many clients out for coffee/snacks during the week.

He still says it is not worth the hassle of accepting Amex so I don't bother and walk 3 mins down the road to another business.

With the current SQ/Westpac promo of 3 points per $1, I am more Amex savvy than normal.

I can use my Commonwealth Visa which is a direct QF earn card normally 1/1, and my Plat Charge Amex 1.5/1 to many airlines at other times.

But at the moment the Westpac Amex card is getting used and abused.
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Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Yep I have given up suggesting to AMEX. I have suggested well over 100 places/utilities that do not accept AMEX.

From my local coffee shop "The Coffee Club" to a utility company, not one of them accept Amex after 12 months.
I've had some good come from using the online form - Amex managed to get a really nice cafe that I suggested to accept the card (with no minimum or surcharge). Took them a couple of months, but it's all working now, and I go there all the time (it's about 3 mins to walk there from work). Because they're the only cafe in the area to take the card, and all the others that only accept VI/MC have minimums, I'm happy to walk there and back every time, rather than just go to the coffee shop next door.

I've also managed to get the local Subway and a few other stores to sign up through the form... I realise these aren't places where you'd spend a decent amount of money, but it's better than nothing!

As for the utilities, I had to shop around. AGL don't advertise that they take the card, and it was quite hard to get them to offer acceptance when trying to open a new account (and even then, they wanted to surcharge). Energy Australia on the other hand now openly accept the card (surcharge-free), so I went with them instead. I also found that Jack Green accepts it too.

That's Queensland though - not sure where you're from :)
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

The only response I've gotten back so far is an e-mail to say that they're currently in negotiation with McDonalds (yes, I ate there) to accept Amex.

Wow thanks....:rolleyes:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

One good thing is that all the Nando's I now visit accept Amex :)

One that has only recently started accepting it have the little blue Amex stickers everywhere in the store.

Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

As for the utilities, I had to shop around. AGL don't advertise that they take the card, and it was quite hard to get them to offer acceptance when trying to open a new account (and even then, they wanted to surcharge). Energy Australia on the other hand now openly accept the card (surcharge-free), so I went with them instead. I also found that Jack Green accepts it too.
Yeah, it sucks because only AGL will do gas in my area (Carlingford NSW) so I can't switch, otherwise I would have changed in a heartbeat.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Optus and Telstra don't have an Amex surcharge but they do charge a 1% fee for any credit card payment, including Visa.

I agree -- 1/3 of business don't accept Amex or charge extra.
Walter Plinge,

This is not correct :!:

From the Telstra payment page.
A payment processing fee applies, reflecting bank fees charged to Telstra for card payments. This is currently 0.69% for Visa, Bankcard, Mastercard, American Express and 1.68% for Diners, plus applicable GST.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I have direct debit set up with Optus on my Amex, and I've never been charged any kind of surcharge...
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Can I just say how much I love KL! It's SO much more AMEX-friendly compared to Melbourne. :D

I was on a shopping spree the past 2 days, and EVERY shop accepted AMEX happily. Some like Hugo Boss and Versace even had a further 10% discount for paying with AMEX. :D And these were shops that already were doing deep discounts of up to 50%!

AMEX signs are prominently displayed everywhere - boutiques, restaurants, bars etc, even the small little corner coffeeshop I went to for brunch took AMEX but it looked a bit iffy so I paid cash at that place.

drron - I hope mrs drron isn't reading this but I imagine she'd be in heaven in KL like me. HUGE discounts at every boutique I went to (save for Marc Jacobs) as it's sale season. Plus the AUD is doing rather well against the MYR, making everything bargain basement cheap.

Now the fun begins trying to fit it all into my suitcase. And here I was thinking that I'd be like simongr and do carry-on only for a 4 day trip. :rolleyes: :lol:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I have direct debit set up with Optus on my Amex, and I've never been charged any kind of surcharge...

Have you checked your bill very carefully?:lol:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I take that back. Porsche Design at Starhill - :evil: You'd have thought a major international boutique would take AMEX, ah well...

I was going to buy sunnies from them and spent ages trying stuff on as well, only to be advised they dont take AMEX when I whipped it out. But all good, I found an optical store one floor up which takes AMEX, and also sells Porsche Design sunnies and more - and was able to negotiate a huge discount when I decided to buy 2 pairs. :D Ahh i love KL.... Hopefully they don't turn out to be Petaling Street fakes though. :lol:

Can I just say how much I love KL! It's SO much more AMEX-friendly compared to Melbourne.

Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Just got off the phone with the NRMA Insurance. The person I spoke to said that they're starting to wind down Amex payments and getting people to change over to Visa or Mastercard.


Don't know about the roadside assistance part of their business though.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Just got off the phone with the NRMA Insurance. The person I spoke to said that they're starting to wind down Amex payments and getting people to change over to Visa or Mastercard.


Don't know about the roadside assistance part of their business though.
Just paid my RACQ insurance bill this morning. No surcharge for Amex, Visa or Mastercard. No option for Diners. RACQ has been Amex friendly for a long time. I had an RACQ branded Amex Gold CC when they first started them with a 1.5point/$ promo, which I morphed into my current Rewards Maximise when the RACQ promo expired.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Just got off the phone with the NRMA Insurance. The person I spoke to said that they're starting to wind down Amex payments and getting people to change over to Visa or Mastercard.


Don't know about the roadside assistance part of their business though.

So much for Amex getting their card more widely accepted than ever!

If I was with NRMA and they did that I would change companies!
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