AMEX not accepted or surcharge

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Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Well I've just noticed that ANZ has started (publicly) issuing QFF Amex cards to compliment their Frequent Flyer Visa cards, much like Westpac have with their Earth Amex/MC accounts... ANZ have instead decided to opt for a higher annual fee than Westpac, but the same points conversion rates lol!

ANZ have been able to issue Amex cards for years, but just not to the general public. I've seen an ANZ "Executive" Amex card at work before (that seemed well-used), so they have obviously been able to do so for some time. The only weird thing is that on our ANZ EFTPOS terminal, it actually prompted for Chq/Sav/Cr, when all Amex and Diners cards usually default to credit (the card type and number still matched the receipt though)... I remember thinking ANZ+Amex+Account prompt... What the?? lol

But back on topic, hopefully this will mean that ANZ will start accepting Amex for their insurance products in the not too distant future... (Although they are outsourced to ING and... QBE??? So we'll see...)
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I have given up waiting for the major power and gas companies here to accept Amex.

I received an email today from Amex stating that "
[FONT=&quot]With an average of one business signing up to welcome the American Express Card every 14 minutes in Australia2, your Card is now welcomed in more places that you imagined.

I spend about $6000 a year on gas/electricty so I am moving to Paying Your Bill, EnergyAustralia Victoria so the extra Amex points will be much appreciated!

Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Amex surcharges are not just an Australian thing. I've seen numerous places in the UK which implement minimums for CC use, surcharges for credit card use or specific surcharges for Amex use.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Well I just found out that my local Hungry Jack's has now stopped accepting Amex! :@ They have taken the logo down from their window, but still accept Diners Club... Go figure! And two attempts on the EFTPOS terminal both declined...

Needless to say, I've already reported them online!... lol
NRMA still takes AMEX

Gotta LOL at this one.

NRMA has stuff all over the place saying that they only take Visa and Mastercard now, but on a whim I thought I'd try and call to talk to somebody.

Called their payments line, only to get the automated bill payment system - figured I'd see how far I could get until I had to talk to a person.... there was a recorded message about only taking Visa and Mastercard....

So I went through, punching in all my numbers, and then got to the stage where it asked for my credit card number. Punched in the Amex number, Voila! It even said "You are paying $xx_xx_ on American Express, if this is correct, press 1".


Website won't though, so hint for all you guys with NRMA, use the phone system, and ignore the message.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

HJs' doesn't accept AMEX anymore. :shock: Found out after we went to the one on Russell St to sober up yesterday. It must be a recent change as they'd accepted AMEX when i was last there in May.

Maccas next time...

edit: ahh already posted in #584. i thought there was something wrong with our cards when they both got declined lol; "contact card issuer" - but the chick advised that they no longer take AMEX. We couldn't be bothered finding a Maccas so we ate there instead - 2 txs down the drain, oh well...
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

One thing that really annoys me is places that start to accept Amex and then stop.

I really fail to see why they would do this

They come on-board and you would assume they know the merchant fees and the payment arrangements of Amex.

Then they stop accepting it.

Disappointing that now 2 Hungry Jacks have stopped accepting it.

Luckily I never eat that rubbish, or Mc Donalds for that matter.

However, the caravan kebab outlets I use to sober up only take cash, and that is expected :lol:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

i thought there was something wrong with our cards when they both got declined lol; "contact card issuer"
Same error message that showed up when I tried. I asked the guy if they still take Amex, and he just said he had no idea...

And after it showed up again (same card), the guy gave a look as though I was trying to use a stolen card or something... haha! And I called Amex later saying that it said "Contact card issuer" to see if there was a problem with my account - and they said they hadn't declined any transactions on my account, so it was their (HJs') system giving that message, not Amex.

It's kind of stupid though... about a month after Macca's start taking it, HJs stop... If only they would *both* accept it at the *same* time... and keep it that way! lol

I still don't understand why they would continue to take Diners though... They usually have higher merchant fees, and normally don't negotiate too much... (I recall that once Coles Myer (as it was known at the time) had to send a firm threat to Diners that they would stop accepting it in every single store owned by them throughout the country before they would budge)!

Hopefully this is just HJs' attempt to scare Amex into offering lower fees, and then will turn it back on *fingers crossed*! I've tried using the HJs online feedback form, but when you submit it, it just returns to the same page... So no idea whether it went through or not! (tried several times)
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

There isn't a single fast food chain of sorts in BNE city that I can think of that accepts Amex. Not one HJ nor McDonalds.

I think there is one or two Subways I can think of that accept Amex.

Quite a few 7-11s in the BNE C.B.D. will accept Amex for no minimum charge nor surcharge. Not bad, but food is of course fairly overpriced, and perhaps not greasy enough for someone to sober up on (for me, it'd do alright).
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Red Rooster outside my house (yes, outside my house) had recently stopped accepting AmEx as well.

Anyone else has the same problem with other Red Rooster stores?
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

There isn't a single fast food chain of sorts in BNE city that I can think of that accepts Amex.

Last December I used my Qantas Ultimate Amex at the MacArthur Court KFC in Queen Street. The serving person didnt know if Amex was accepted so we tried and voila.

Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Anyone else has the same problem with other Red Rooster stores?
I went to one last night that didn't take Amex. It was in a dodgy suburb though. I'm pretty sure our local place takes it.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

There isn't a single fast food chain of sorts in BNE city that I can think of that accepts Amex. Not one HJ nor McDonalds.

Quite a few 7-11s in the BNE C.B.D. will accept Amex for no minimum charge nor surcharge.

I can think of a few:

KFC: Myer Centre
McDonald's: All 3 Myer Centre stores (2 lower level, dessert store one level up also), Central Station
HJs: "Beak House" (the one on the Mall - on the corner near Rankin's) took it last time I was there... not sure about now though
Subway: The one at Brisbane Square and also on Queen Street (not the one between Queen and Adelaide though - called "Subway Pavillion")
Krispy Creme: On Adelaide St - Opposite King George Station
Red Rooster: Myer Centre
Brumby's GO: Myer Centre near Coles, Queens Plaza

... just to name a few!

Red Rooster outside my house (yes, outside my house) had recently stopped accepting AmEx as well.

Anyone else has the same problem with other Red Rooster stores?

No problem using it at the Brisbane Domestic Airport or Sydney Airport stores, even for a bottle of water ... (points haha :D)... in fact pretty much every food store in the Virgin Blue area in Brisbane takes it with no minimum or surcharge... Same for JetStar too :D And *most*, but not all places take it in the Qantas area... After speaking with their management, I've sussed out that if a store in an airport is operated by "Spotless", it's no minimum or surcharge (they own most of the outlets in JetStar and all of the Virgin Blue outlets in Brisbane, and some also in Sydney, Melbourne, and Darwin domestic & international airports)... including Aromas, BLD, Sumo Salad, Red Rooster, bars, etc etc etc :) ... Just in case anyone was travelling soon :p
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Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Umi Kaiten Zushi at Haymarket, Sydney wanted 3%.:evil:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

All this talk about Red Rooster is making me hungry..... pity they don't open till 11am, whatever else must I feast on to soak up this ill feeling I have this morning:!::?: :shock: :mrgreen:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Ok went to this local supermarket this afternoon to buy some sauce (mainly to rack up some transactions due to the current unannounced 1k/5)... the sauce got scanned, I handed over my Amex, the girl says "that amex? we dont accept that card" so I replied saying "oh i dont have any cash on me" ..... soooooooooooooooooo guess what? the checkout chic looked around and said "here, just take it" ...... no points but free sauce LOL guess i won't be going back there for a while, just in case ...
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

no points but free sauce LOL
Haha - that's one of the things I like about the card... When the place doesn't accept it or if they're having EFTPOS or Amex problems, and the person can't be bothered to fix it or do an offline transaction (particularly for smaller amounts) they just give you the thing for free (occasionally...) :D :D :D ... has happened a few times where it would not have happened if I was using Visa/MC :D haha... once it scored me a free ($20 value) concert program from a person who obviously didn't like their employer too much :D haha!
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

A nice surprise when considering a booking with the Stella Hospitality Group (Breakfree & Mantra resorts etc):

"A 2% credit card surcharge will apply to all credit card transactions EXCLUDING American Express cards where no surcharge will apply."

:D :D :D

Probably only because they're MR partners... but still :D
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Stella used to have the 2% on ALL credit cards. When did that change?
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