Ok, just got off the phone with a nice lady from the USA.
She did confirm for me that there is indeed an offer of a companion platinum edge to gold charge holders
Which they extend the application to you after you receive the gold charge (not something that comes automatically)
However the catch is you must be enrolled with MR on the gold charge to be eligible (total net annual fee of $210), which thwarted my hopes of signing up for the charge sans MR for $130, pocketing the 30k MR points and getting a 'cheap' platinum edge. The other catch is of course having to have the gold charge (at the extra $15 cost), whose usefulness is debatable when the platinum edge is on hand. Plus it may be a bit of rigamarole to ditch the gold charge later on and 'downgrade' back to purely a platinum edge, depending on how the accounts are linked.
I asked if there was any sort of documentation to confirm that the platinum edge comes with the gold charge, either online or in literature they can send to me, the answer is unfortunately no. It's an internal offer extended only to gold charge holders and it's not documented on anything available to the public
So basically I have to take their word for it.
It'll be at least another month or two before I sign up to any new cards anyhow, so this may be of use to some of you. Hopefully the deal doesn't get 'ozbargained' before I get to it
So in summary:
Yes, the platinum edge is available to gold charge holders, but only if you sign up for MR on the gold ($210)
No, there's nothing written anywhere to confirm it so there's still some risk of failure (if the person you talk to has NFI) and in theory they could withdraw the offer at the drop of a hat anyway.
Through some rigmarole it's a extra 15k points for $15 if you were already after the plat edge.
@ newformula,
Love your site, it's taught me plenty.