This is just my 2c and opinion
firstly congrats on putting silly egos aside and telling us about it.
Im going to be straight to the point, you've heard what others say, from what I have heard you say and others say, and is my COMPLETE opinion based on the info you have provided
true, if you save the odd $ here and there, sure it adds up, but if you go to the casino and blow $100 on something, that could be 3 months of saving up here and there gone, so 3 months hard work down the drain, I know its a disease or an addiction, but try to prevent yourself physically from going there or going and spending money, eg Cut up the casino card or whatever, don't drive near the casino and take another route, don't carry ANY cash, leave your cards at home, if you feel that you might go near the casino and spend it, (im just assuming its a casino), do a self imposed ban,
if its like online gambling, call/email and CLOSE the accounts, by the time the urgest come back, you would have to open a new account, set it up, confirm your details, and it may just surpress your urges.
so if the gambling is a big problem now, I think you just need to physically stop yourself, eg if you have spare time and if this is the time to get urges, go for a jog, do some housework, put up a ad in the paper saying you will mow lawns!
and AFTER this has been done or put in place
ask yourself, what sort of $$$ do you spend on, maybe put up some figures here if you are comfortable
- Pay tv
- mobile phones (entire family)
- do you drink, if so how much, how often, where , what?
- what car do you have
- what petrol do you put in
- how many cars do you have?
- Internet if its on contract make sure you know what date its going to finish so you can cancel/reduce
-if you have cards that are maxed out, just cancel them,
you need to start working on the highest interest rate ones.
-also, you mentioned, holidays to disneyland and Fiji, frankly I was quite astonished, kids DON'T NEED TO go there, they WANT to, sure they deserve a holiday, but it certainly doesn't need to be O/S, your kids won't turn out to be brats if you don't take them to O/S
- gaming machines, depending on how old kids/gender, how many do they have?? ask yourself, do they have a xbox360, ps3, DS, PSP
- as for holidays, sure you might feel like you need one, then go camping, or stay at a motel and go sit on the beach, camping/motels can be cheap, beach is free
- you said selling stuff on ebay is not worth the time, sure some stuff is worth zero, but $15 here and there DOES add up, trust me
at one stage, I was getting free rent and food provided for due to a fortunate personal situation, I survived on $40 per week, it wasn't easy, but I felt that I needed to and I said to myself, I WILL keep this going