Any Advice? Very bad Credit Card debt...

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Itis interesting that you say about the "fruit machines" in the pubs in the UK. I used to dump cash into them regularly when I lived in the UK but have never really been tempted to put money through pokies here for two main reasons - they are mind numbling boring here by comparision to the variety and games in the UK (you an even exert an element of skill to enhance your chance of winning) and they were more accessibl .

Ya. When in the UK , I can occasionally put a cpl of quid in the fruit machines in a pub but over in Oz I have zero interest in the complete tedium that is the poker machines

Once again, thanks for all the morale support here guys.
.... and to the others also living with 'the disease', all the best for 2009 ( I won't say 'good luck', as that may be counter productive !! )

A question I have ( which may be more appropriate on another thread...)

Can AMEX, for example, seek to reclaim my reward points already transferred over to QFF ??

I have about 280K QFF in the kitty, and would be about to transfer about 10K points over to QFF in the next week or so ( depends on what my advice is from next week ... )

How would 'bankrupcy' affect a holding of QFF ( or other 'reward' points ) ??

Also, I was thinking of booking my 'free flight' from AMEX Plat. card.... can they cancel the booking If I declare myself bankrupt ??

Thanks for any thoughts....
Once again, thanks for all the morale support here guys.
.... and to the others also living with 'the disease', all the best for 2009 ( I won't say 'good luck', as that may be counter productive !! )

A question I have ( which may be more appropriate on another thread...)

Can AMEX, for example, seek to reclaim my reward points already transferred over to QFF ??

I have about 280K QFF in the kitty, and would be about to transfer about 10K points over to QFF in the next week or so ( depends on what my advice is from next week ... )

How would 'bankrupcy' affect a holding of QFF ( or other 'reward' points ) ??

Also, I was thinking of booking my 'free flight' from AMEX Plat. card.... can they cancel the booking If I declare myself bankrupt ??

Thanks for any thoughts....

Due to the T&C, I don't think it will affect your QFF account wheather you declare yourself bankrupt or not, because there is no relative between your frequent flyer account and personal credit. At this stage, I think as long as you transfer points to the QFF, it will be fine in the future because AMEX can not trace them back once points have been done especially FF points, they depend on QF. Same as the "free flight", once you get it from AMEX, then 99% you will get that because I don't think QF will cancel your flight just because you are bankrupt.
To Gordon,

One of my client has gone bankrupted with his AMEX plat. The flight has been booked prior to the bankruptcy and is still valid after the account is closed.

BUT please bear in mind that you will no longer be able to change the booking, it is because the booking agent will still be under AMEX and Qantas refused to deal with the traveller itself.

So make sure the trip is booked exactly you wanted to be and you will be fine.

Just like wxxnxs said, neither bankruptcy will affect your FF points nor AMEX can reverse the points that have been credited.

There is another important thing I want to mention tho...
Cash advance (Like maxing your card) etc prior to bankruptcy, or any kind of similar activities may be considered as unlawful. So ask for more advices before you are going to try it :)

With respect it seems to me that while you have faced your debt problems in one way......that you still are largely oblivious to what has largely caused it in the first place.

ie spending more than you earn.

I understand, having 3 kids myself, that yes one wants to provide as best one can for them....but if you do not have the money, you do not have the money.

You therefore need to radically change your consumption patterns otherwise your impending bankruptcy rather than just being a difficult few years, will instead be a difficult "rest of your life".

Bankruptcy is not a cure.

It is a breathing space.

You need to cure your main problem. Spending more than you earn.

And yes while you have already mentioned dropping private school...there are other aspects which would seem to still be "living beyond your means".

Chasing flights ...which would induce other expenses (hotel, parking taxis etc etc...) when you are already spending more than you earn would seem to be a recipe for increased debt, and not reduced debt.

Travel is a luxury..and while we all need some luxury in our lives you might have to be content for a number of years with smaler luxuries.

As hard it may be you need to say no to your kids...forget about keeping up with the Jone's..or Jone's kids.

I think also your kids will surprise you. Sit down and discuss with them that you have racked up large debts and now have to change your spending. Kids naturally try and get what they can out of mum and dad...but kids put to test are normally pretty understanding when they need to be. Piant the picture for them...and I think you will find that they will be supporting you. Keep them in the dark and no doubt unwittingly they will continue to worsen your plight.
I have about 280K QFF in the kitty, and would be about to transfer about 10K points over to QFF in the next week or so ( depends on what my advice is from next week ... )


It is ashame that these points are not still in the CC acount, you can have converted them to cash with a number of CC accounts.

I understand your point / s, however, if I've got access to a 'free' flight, why not take it? I'll work out ways to minimise any 'costs' that may be associated. Eg., I've never paid for parking at Sydney Domestic Terminal. I always park and walk the 500M from my 'secret little spot'. I hope I don't have to surrender my Qantas Club Life Member card..... won't need to buy anything at the airport terminal !!

I have relatives in a few States, to visit won't necessarily mean 'spending'.

..... but, yes, sure, I will most definately be cutting down on 'general' spending if I go 'all the way'.

On a Forum like this, I think it's easy to sound blase about the whole process... as if I'm treating it like an 'adventure'.

There is a million little questions along the way.... such as how 'reward' points may be seen; various complimentary elements of the cards I have / or had; insurance; taxation; superannuation; Family Tax Benefit A + B; what my wife can and can't do.... etc. etc. etc.

Another point is, I won't be retreating into my shell. I will still be working, just one job at a time ( as opposed to passed situations of up to four jobs concurrently ).

I have two interviews for Grade 7 / 8 NSW Govt. positions next week, which has brightened my mood, as I will prepare over this weekend.

But first up on Monday morning, is my first interview with 'the firm', and making an assessment of my overall situation.

I understand your point / s, however, if I've got access to a 'free' flight, why not take it? I'll work out ways to minimise any 'costs' that may be associated.

I think the point is whether you should be holding a card that provides a 'free' flight. The annual fee of that card alone could be better used reducing debt.

It's easy to get caught up in a lot of marketing spin with various offers etc, but they all cost money. Timeshares cost money, Advantage Plus membership costs money and so on.

Eg., I've never paid for parking at Sydney Domestic Terminal. I always park and walk the 500M from my 'secret little spot'. I hope I don't have to surrender my Qantas Club Life Member card..... won't need to buy anything at the airport terminal !!

I wouldn't think that there is much they can do about the Qantas Life Card. It is paid up, probably not transferable, so has no real monetary value as such. But looking at it objectively, should you have one?
Sorry to say this, but it seems I'm getting misunderstood here...

I'm not saying I'm going after any more cards, or considering 'raking up' a larger debt prior to 'declaring' myself....

I currently have an AMEX Plat. card, with this year's free flight unused. My question related to, booking the flight, then, should bankruptcy take place, the card would be cancelled / closed.... would I lose that booked flight.

Of course I'm not looking at maintaining the $395. / yr. fee to keep the card going, because it will be closed down by the Trustee.

Same with my Advantage Plus card... I've got two nights free at present, with card expiry 03/09. I'm thinking, I may as well book the free nights, as I probably won't renew the card this year. However, this type of card isn't linked to 'credit', so I'm thinking I may reconsider, should my situation change somewhat later this year or next year.

Thus, in general, yes, no more 'credit' cards, but my problem didn't eventuate from spending a few hundred here and there on 'travel' and 'holidays'. Besides, a lot of my 'travel' became tax deductable for 'Professional Development' conferences / training etc. As I mentioned earlier, I will have to seek advice on all these aspects of my situation.

Sorry to say this, but it seems I'm getting misunderstood here...

I currently have an AMEX Plat. card, with this year's free flight unused. My question related to, booking the flight, then, should bankruptcy take place, the card would be cancelled / closed.... would I lose that booked flight.

Thus, in general, yes, no more 'credit' cards, but my problem didn't eventuate from spending a few hundred here and there on 'travel' and 'holidays'. Besides, a lot of my 'travel' became tax deductable for 'Professional Development' conferences / training etc. As I mentioned earlier, I will have to seek advice on all these aspects of my situation.


Gordon, as I said before bankrupt will not affect any bookings have been made through your credit card, you will neither lose your free flight nor QFF points. But I strongly suggest you to close AMEX platinum card because even purchase a return flight ticket is still cheaper than its annual fee, and also at the moment I think QFF points are much more useless than cash which can be redeemed from points on your card.
Same with my Advantage Plus card... I've got two nights free at present, with card expiry 03/09.....

Oh Thanks Gordon, you reminded me.... Almost forgot 2 of my free nights.... one is expiring next month. :p Now I can plan for my syd or cairns trip for next month...
Thus, in general, yes, no more 'credit' cards, but my problem didn't eventuate from spending a few hundred here and there on 'travel' and 'holidays'. Besides, a lot of my 'travel' became tax deductable for 'Professional Development' conferences / training etc. As I mentioned earlier, I will have to seek advice on all these aspects of my situation.


sorry Gordon, I have to disagree with that, its your whole entire view/attitude/pespective that has got you into this, + gambling (assumption that I am making becuase you mentioned gambling is/was a problem)

a few hundred here and there can add up to thousands, say $300 per week, thats $15k per year, thats almost 10 % of your debt,

you mentioned that going to the US will be free, not possible. a dinner here and there, a snack here and there, a train trip here and there, it WILL add up, I reckon even going camping in the bush might cost a bit, you'd probably want to have a beer or buy a drink, or buy an extra pack of marshmallows or possibly a cheap tent from Bunnings or whatever.

your tax deduction sounds like a simple excuse that people make themself feel better about doing something they might thing is wrong or inappropriate or not recommended, an expense is an expense regardless! (sorry to be harsh)

another harsh comment, but I seriously think you need to accept that there will be NO MORE LUXURIES for you and everybody else, instead of luxuries you can have free/cheap treats!! a block of chocolate from the supermarket, an ice cream, buy a tub, not a $4 magnum from the petrol station,

This is just my 2c and opinion

firstly congrats on putting silly egos aside and telling us about it.

Im going to be straight to the point, you've heard what others say, from what I have heard you say and others say, and is my COMPLETE opinion based on the info you have provided

true, if you save the odd $ here and there, sure it adds up, but if you go to the casino and blow $100 on something, that could be 3 months of saving up here and there gone, so 3 months hard work down the drain, I know its a disease or an addiction, but try to prevent yourself physically from going there or going and spending money, eg Cut up the casino card or whatever, don't drive near the casino and take another route, don't carry ANY cash, leave your cards at home, if you feel that you might go near the casino and spend it, (im just assuming its a casino), do a self imposed ban,

if its like online gambling, call/email and CLOSE the accounts, by the time the urgest come back, you would have to open a new account, set it up, confirm your details, and it may just surpress your urges.

so if the gambling is a big problem now, I think you just need to physically stop yourself, eg if you have spare time and if this is the time to get urges, go for a jog, do some housework, put up a ad in the paper saying you will mow lawns!

and AFTER this has been done or put in place
ask yourself, what sort of $$$ do you spend on, maybe put up some figures here if you are comfortable
- Pay tv
- mobile phones (entire family)
- do you drink, if so how much, how often, where , what?
- what car do you have
- what petrol do you put in
- how many cars do you have?
- Internet if its on contract make sure you know what date its going to finish so you can cancel/reduce

-if you have cards that are maxed out, just cancel them,
you need to start working on the highest interest rate ones.

-also, you mentioned, holidays to disneyland and Fiji, frankly I was quite astonished, kids DON'T NEED TO go there, they WANT to, sure they deserve a holiday, but it certainly doesn't need to be O/S, your kids won't turn out to be brats if you don't take them to O/S

- gaming machines, depending on how old kids/gender, how many do they have?? ask yourself, do they have a xbox360, ps3, DS, PSP

- as for holidays, sure you might feel like you need one, then go camping, or stay at a motel and go sit on the beach, camping/motels can be cheap, beach is free

- you said selling stuff on ebay is not worth the time, sure some stuff is worth zero, but $15 here and there DOES add up, trust me

at one stage, I was getting free rent and food provided for due to a fortunate personal situation, I survived on $40 per week, it wasn't easy, but I felt that I needed to and I said to myself, I WILL keep this going
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Thanks for the rap there SOPOOR ( did you just make that up ?? )

Some of what you said is true to an extent, but I'm not claiming that 'gambling' was my only downfall.

I met my future 'trustee' today.

I got my advice, and over the next week or so, I'll be making my 'statement of affairs'. This is the begining of the journey.

Apart from the stigma, it doesn't look too bad. Three years will pass quickly. Could be a lot worse.... could be three years in 'the can'....

Thanks for the rap there SOPOOR ( did you just make that up ?? )

as in the User name, nope didn't make it up, just the TRUTH!!

well the good thing is that you seem to understand or have acknowledged that you have one main problem, which I guess is better then having 10 small problems.

can we ask, what are you doing to combat this single cause of your problems????? have you tried some of the ones that I suggested (there is more then 1 way to approach it so..)

GOOD LUCK, Please keep us posted
Apart from the stigma, it doesn't look too bad. Three years will pass quickly. Could be a lot worse.... could be three years in 'the can'....


Good luck with it.

Though my advice, expressed above, is that you need to not look at it as a three year period...but as a permanent change in your habits...otherwise the cycle will be maintained and not broken.

But that yes that after three years that your lifestyle will improve, if your spending habits improve.....

My dad when I was growing up gave me the very good advice to never borrow for luxuries.
Well unlike the previous posters, I am not going to offer judgemental, pithy and mostly useless advice.

We don't know Gordo, have never meet him and know only a little of his circumstances.

I just want to say I hope it all works out Gordo for you and your family.
Well unlike the previous posters, I am not going to offer judgemental, pithy and mostly useless advice.
I feel most people trying to offer advice do not understand which is why you will find the majority of people keep their problems bottled up inside until it is too late....
Actually, I thought the vast majority of advice offered in the thread was neither judgemental, pithy nor useless!

It just shows how different people interpret things different ways!
Actually, I thought the vast majority of advice offered in the thread was neither judgemental, pithy nor useless!

It just shows how different people interpret things different ways!

I agree! Usually I use a generic approach for everything and thus stating the facts rather than my personal opinion. How you interpret it, it's up to the reader. :lol:
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