Hi guys,
Well, I had a two hour session with my 'trustee to be'.
This guy seems to be a 'Mr. Fix it'.
He charges $15,000. though, but I think it will be worth it.
Where am I getting 15K from, given my situation?? Mummy has come to my rescue, but it's only a loan.
If this goes to plan, I'll have her 15K back in less than a year.
$15,000 is a lot of money, but so is my personal debt. ( over 200K )
Now, there's another element, which I alluded to previously.
I have a problem with the ATO ( or rather, they have a problem with me !!)
Without going into it, I have nine ( 9 ) years of fines plus fees to account for.
Mr. 'Fix it' will work on my TOTAL problems, and I will be far better off in the long run.
I used to work 75 hours a week.... week in, week out..... just to stay afloat.
In a few months time, I can settle into a 35 hour Public Service job, have every night at home, have weekends off etc. etc.
My wife & kids only ever saw me come home to sleep. My kids have gone from 'knee high' to teenagers, and I don't really know them !!!
Taking this course of action will give me a life again. I know it's not an 'honourable' thing I am doing.... not paying my debts, and sure, there are many who will call me 'scum', and it's people like me that have caused the economic crisis etc. but I'm also trying to give my kids the father they have grown up without....
It may seem like I'm 'bragging' about going bankrupt, but I do feel ashamed, and I do feel it's not the right thing to do, if you can avoid it..... but I've gone past the point of no return.
My trustee will have to spend some time, sorting out the last ten years of my financial life.
More later.....