crazydave98 said:
I'm sorry bravoecho1, but you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about on this topic.
first up, no need to be sorry. I have nothing against DJ. Many friends and family have and still do work for/with them. Thanks to DJ we have increased competition and cheaper fares. I am not a QF apologist and am proud to say that I fly with the airline which provides (a) the best service (b) best value for money. (Bring back Ansett

For you to come along and state that I have no idea what I am talking about is both presumptuous and offensive. Without knowing where I am getting the information from and who I am referring to, you can hardly discredit my comments.
crazydave98 said:
Firstly, your comment about it being easy to start up an airline with new aircraft. Virgin Blue was started with very second hand, older B737-300/400s "borrowed" from Virgin Express.
It is easy to start an airline, as we have seen with OzJet, Compass etc. Any 19 year old can do it
Its keeping the airline running at a profitable level whilst adhering to the regulatory safety standards is where airlines come undone. As we have seen in the past, DJ has been under the pump financially.
Let me be very clear on this point. I DO NOT want DJ to go under. If they do, friends and family who currently work there will lose their jobs.
crazydave98 said:
Second, your imaginary "very big problem" about maintaince costs from what are probably equally imaginary contacts that you know and trust. The 737-800 is a much lower cost aircraft to maintain than the classics (300/400) or the equivalent B767 and even in 10 years they will be lower cost.
You can operate the cheapest aircraft in the world, however when your engineering budget is not adequate enough to keep the birds in the air thats when problems begin. Though in DJ's defence the figures do look like they will improve in the next 2-4 years as long as the fuel hedge, which was recently introduced, doesn't cost them the earth to put in place.
crazydave98 said:
Thirdly, it's just utter rubbish to claim we don't have the engineering capacity to keep the aircraft in the air. Look at the DOTARS statistics - we have lower cancellation rates than QF or JQ. You must be sniffing Avtur if you think we have some sudden cancellation/re-routing policy. For on time performance we have beaten Qantas every month for 18 months straight now (see attached data from DOTARS) - partly because we have more reliable aircraft.
Firstly, Jet A-1 is getting to expensive to sniff (going back to glue

). Now that we have confirmed you can recite statistics, anyone in the airline industry knows that these figures can be adjusted to a certain degree, including a trick that is very well known to aircrew, INCLUDING those in DJ, of pulling the park break circuit breaker to adjust your "blocks off" time.
The main issue I was addressing is not the on time performance but when a customer who buys a ticket from Sydney to Christchurch gets a phone call a week before their flight and gets routed Sydney-Brisbane-Christchurch with an arrival time of over 6 hours later. This apparently happens on a regular basis. I have heard this first hand from both a member of scheduling as well as the person who controls the calls to the customers advising of their change. He/she has queried this a number of times and has been told it is because of the engineering backlog. This has also been confirmed to me personally by a number of LAME's and their superiors that I know.
crazydave98 said:
Wrong again. I personally commissioned market research on what became Velocity and we tested the hell out of it - it even scored a mention on this forum. Similarly The Lounge product offering, name and design were tested extensively and I would be very suprised if there weren't members here who particpated in that too.
What I was referring to was in house. Its all well and good to conduct as many market research reports as you like, HOWEVER when the the product is rolled out and a large portion of your staff (including a lot of the call centre - this is from two seperate team leaders) are not trained on the product, it does not lend itself to good service when they can't answer customer questions. Referring to specifics, examples of this would include the Velocity program and Web check-in facility.
crazydave98 said:
Let's see you back up your assertions - give us the "specifics" but leave out the names to protect your contacts. What's a few more wild allegations to add to your tally?
When I look at an airline, I am not too concerned about the "bells and whistles". Whats concerns me is the line training for aircrew and maintenance of the aircraft. Referring to specifics, when an airline can take a 24 year old with 800 hours in a C172 mustering cattle, get him to pay for his 737 conversion and then put him on line in the right seat, my concerns do get raised.
On a final note, I would like to say that your personal attack is not in keeping with the spirit of this board. If I got personal like your post and discredited your comments, I could make the assumption that the person involved in setting up the Velocity program and airline lounge wouldn't know a great deal about scheduling, line maintenance and aircrew standards, but I won't
