JB747, it appears there was a slight positive change in velocity when the altitude change occurred but then during the main part of the descent there was a negative change in velocity (deceleration).
Aircraft are flown using IAS and mach. Mach is used at high levels, and basically defines the maximum speed, whilst IAS is what makes the wings work.
As you climb, the air becomes thinner, so if you were to climb at a 'real' 300 knots (TAS) the IAS would be reducing. We do it the other way, and climb at a constant IAS, so the TAS increases as we climb (at 40,000' TAS is approximately double the IAS).
In a descent, if maintaining a constant IAS (as you would), the TAS will be reducing. The speeds shown on the web site referenced are ground speed, so that's the TAS adjusted for wind.
A mere layman would surmise that an altitude change such as this would involve a pitch the nose down and push the throttles forward type of manoeuvre to get down ASAP.
This is a theory that I've never understood. Take your car to the top of a hill. Point it downhill, and give it a boot full of throttle. What will happen?
A descent involves the conversion of potential energy into kinetic, with drag having the effect of wasting a portion of the energy. Any time you add power, you add energy to the mix...which you don't want. A normal descent involves a pitch change of 2-3º, and reduction of power to idle.
If you want a more rapid descent, you can increase the level of energy converted to drag by one of two methods...
1. Increase the IAS. Drag is proportional to the square of IAS, so that will increase the rate of energy loss. But, you don't increase the speed by adding power...you do so by lowering the nose a degree or two, letting it accelerate, and then raising the nose slightly to hold that speed. Speed is being controlled by the pitch attitude.
2. Use the speed brakes. They increase the drag, and will require the nose to be lowered another degree or two to hold the speed.
This theory about the use of power in descents may come from a misunderstanding of the power increases that are felt during a normal arrival. In that case, we are generally trying to fly a vertical profile, so any time that the profile is shallower than our glide ratio, we'll need some power to maintain it.