The PNG 737 Crash final report has been released with the associated engineers video from the Jump Seat.
I assume below profile under 500ft with a dozen warning calls a go around would be expected in such a powerful machine? Quite an ugly video.
Definitely ugly. It all fell apart around the minimums call. I had to replay this to watch the actual footage as I wasn't quite sure what was going on with the animated annunciations. So the Capt was definitely the PF as CMD A was selected. The actual annunciation on the PFD is just CMD so the addition of the A would've been to show the left autopilot was engaged. This approach is typical of an RNAV approach. For some reason it's not displayed on the animation but VNAV was definitely selected. It should have been in VNAV PTH (path). LNAV was also engaged and armed (shown by white) for the go around. FMC SPD is exactly that. The commanded speed in the FMC. So far so good.
Now this is where it gets interesting. At 750ft (their minima) a few things happen:
1. on the nav display in the actual footage the magenta line makes a sharp left turn. To me this seems like the missed approach path.
2. I agree their visual segment is sketchy at best.
3. They forgot to move their altitude selector to the missed approach altitude. At this point the autopilot captures the altitude and now things start to unravel quickly. When they move it up to 2500ft VNAV now disengages and it reverts to control wheel steering in pitch.
4. As they pass over the final waypoint without pushing TO/GA LNAV now disengages.
5. FMC SPD reverts back to MCP SPD and is basically giving speed control back to the pilots.
6. The captain realises now that he's getting high, disengages the A/P and the annunciator reverts to FD (flight director is giving the commands as per what has been set on mode control panel) and really over compensates.
7. The fact that they had the G/S aural alert go off means that the ILS was being masked behind the RNAV approach but at no point was it armed on localiser or glide slope intercept.
8. With the change in pitch the capt gets fast and is more concentrated on speed. The thrust comes close to idle but barely recovers.
This was a clear case of loss of situational awareness.