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Extract from the A4G flight manual.
Flight tests and spin tunnel model tests indicate spin
recovery is possible in all configurations. The air-
craft proved reluctant to enter a fully developed spin
unless pro spin control is applied and maintained.
Erect spins resulted from noseup elevator control
and inverted spins from nosedown elevator control.
The aircraft oscillates about all axes in a spin, with
erect spins being the most oscillatory. A 360-degree
roll occurs during the first one to three turns of an
erect spin. Bank oscillations decrease to about 60
degrees after the third turn of an erect spin. The
aircraft pitches from near level to a 70-degree nose-
down attitude during each turn. There is a hesitation
in spin rotation at the completion of each turn in the
spin. Spin rotation varies from 5 to 10 seconds per
turn with an altitude loss of 3000 to 5000 feet per
turn. Faster spin rotation rates result in lower
altitude loss per turn. Slower spin rotation rates
result in greater altitude loss per turn. Rate of
descent will vary from 30,000 to 36,000 feet per
minute, depending on the steepness and rotation
rate of the particular spin. Load factors of 1. 0 to
3.5g have been experienced during the spin.
Erect spins entered from an accelerated stall have
the same characteristics as 1. Og-spin entries except
that snap-roll type maneuvers occur during the first
two or three turns. Erect spin characteristics with
external stores are the same as the clean aircraft
except that the oscillations occur at a lower
Relatively flat, erect spins have developed after
several steep turns such as described above. There
is no hesitation in spin rotation and the rate is very
fast: 3 seconds per turn with an altitude loss of 1500
to 2000 feet per turn. Rate of descent will vary from
30,000 to 40,000 feet per minute. Aircraft pitch
oscillations vary from 25 to 50 degrees nosedown and
oscillations vary between 20 degrees left and right wing down.
Inverted spin characteristics with or without external
stores are the same. The aircraft abruptly whips
into an inverted spin when the necessary conditions
are established: forward elevator control developing
a negative load factor while the aircraft is simulta-
neously yawing and rolling to an inverted attitude. A
fully developed inverted spin occurs within one turn.
The spin is relatively flat at a fast rate: 3 seconds
per turn with an altitude loss of 800 to 1500 feet per
turn. Rate of descent will vary from 16,000 to 30,000
feet per minute. Aircraft, pitch oscillations vary
between 20 to 50 degrees nosedown while bank oscil-
lations vary between 30 degrees left and right wing
down about an inverted attitude. Negative load factors
of 0.5 to 1. Og have been experienced during an
inverted spin. '
If an inadvertent confirmed spin occurs
below 10,000 feet AGL, eject. Recovery
from a fully developed spin below 10,000
feet is considered doubtful since 5000 to
7000 feet are required to complete recovery
with proper application of the controls.
Recovery from an inadvertent incipient spin
may be accomplished with altitude losses
varying from 0 to 7000 feet, depending upon
how fully developed the spin becomes.
Spin Recovery
Experience has shown that neutralization of all flight
controls will facilitate recovery during the inCipient
phase (uncontrolled flight immediately after a fully
developed stall). Application of spin recovery con-
trols during the incipient phase greatly increases the
probability of spin entry. Therefore, the first step
in any spin recovery is to make certain that the air-
craft is actually in a spin.
The large pitch and roll attitude changes combined
with high yaw rates make it difficult for the pilot to
determine from the outside view whether the aircraft
is spinning erect or inverted. The most positive spin
direction and type of spin indicators are the turn
needle and angle of attack. The turn needle always
indicates the direction of rotation. The angle of
attack indicates whether the spin is erect or inverted:
O-units angle of attack for inverted spin; 30-units
angle of attack for erect spin.
External stores do not affect the recovery procedure
from an erect or inverted spin. Considerable angular
momentum is developed during a spin. Recovery
control application may be required to be held for up
to two turns during the faster flat erect spins.
The control should be held full in the recovery pOSi-
tion until the spin rotation has stopped. Recovery
from even the most adverse spin has occurred within
two turns after proper recovery control was applied
and maintained.
Erect Spin
The recovery technique from an erect spin is brisk
application of full rudder pedal deflection against the
spin (opposite direction of the turn needle) followed
by neutral application of elevator and aileron control
stick deflections. If spin rotation does not stop
within 2 turns, a flat spin has developed. Brisk
application of full aileron control stick deflection
with the spin (same direction as the turn needle) and
full aft elevator control stick deflection must be
applied, while maintaining full opposite rudder pedal
, deflection against the spin, to stop the spin rotation.
Neutralize all controls when spin rotation stops. The
aircraft will be in a nosedown attitude and a diving
pullout should be made to build up airspeed to accom-
plish complete recovery from the spin. An altitude
loss of 4000 to 5000 feet will occur in the recovery.
Inverted Spin
The recovery technique from an inverted spin is brisk
application of full aileron control stick deflection
against the spin (opposite direction of the turn needle)
with simultaneous application of full rudder pedal
deflection against the spin (same direction as aileron).
Elevator control stick position is not critical in an
inverted spin; therefore, a neutral position is rec-
ommended. The ailerons are the primary recovery
control and aircraft response will occur in the form
of roll in the direction of the applied aileron. Spin
rotation abruptly stops as the aircraft rolls around
to an erect nosedown attitude. Neutralize all con-
trols when it is recognized that spin rotation has
stopped and make a diving pullout to build up air-
speed to accomplish complete recovery. A loss of
altitude of 5000 to 7000 feet will occur in the
Stabilizer Trim
Stabilizer trim setting will not delay stopping the yaw
and rotation rate of the spin. However, noseup trim
settings greater than approximately 9 degrees may
cause the aircraft to enter an accelerated stall during
dive pullout, subsequent to spin recovery. A stabi.-
lizer trim range of 0 to 4 degrees aircraft noseup IS
recommended. Do not delay applying spin recovery
controls to retrim aircraft.
Dive Recovery
Following spin recovery, airspeed will increase I
rapidly because of the aireraft nose-low attitude.
Altitude loss can be minimized by use of the angle-
of-attack indicator. Smooth noseup elevator should
be applied as the airspeed increases through approxi-
mately 250 knots to attain and maintain 20 units angle
of attack with power added as required to maintain
250 knots throughout the recovery. This will pro-
vide for minimum altitude loss with the minimum
stall margin. Twenty units angle of attack is difficult
to fly without overshooting. Seventeen units or lower
angle of attack is easier to fly and should be used
when terrain clearance is not critical.
Flight tests and spin tunnel model tests indicate spin
recovery is possible in all configurations. The air-
craft proved reluctant to enter a fully developed spin
unless pro spin control is applied and maintained.
Erect spins resulted from noseup elevator control
and inverted spins from nosedown elevator control.
The aircraft oscillates about all axes in a spin, with
erect spins being the most oscillatory. A 360-degree
roll occurs during the first one to three turns of an
erect spin. Bank oscillations decrease to about 60
degrees after the third turn of an erect spin. The
aircraft pitches from near level to a 70-degree nose-
down attitude during each turn. There is a hesitation
in spin rotation at the completion of each turn in the
spin. Spin rotation varies from 5 to 10 seconds per
turn with an altitude loss of 3000 to 5000 feet per
turn. Faster spin rotation rates result in lower
altitude loss per turn. Slower spin rotation rates
result in greater altitude loss per turn. Rate of
descent will vary from 30,000 to 36,000 feet per
minute, depending on the steepness and rotation
rate of the particular spin. Load factors of 1. 0 to
3.5g have been experienced during the spin.
Erect spins entered from an accelerated stall have
the same characteristics as 1. Og-spin entries except
that snap-roll type maneuvers occur during the first
two or three turns. Erect spin characteristics with
external stores are the same as the clean aircraft
except that the oscillations occur at a lower
Relatively flat, erect spins have developed after
several steep turns such as described above. There
is no hesitation in spin rotation and the rate is very
fast: 3 seconds per turn with an altitude loss of 1500
to 2000 feet per turn. Rate of descent will vary from
30,000 to 40,000 feet per minute. Aircraft pitch
oscillations vary from 25 to 50 degrees nosedown and
oscillations vary between 20 degrees left and right wing down.
Inverted spin characteristics with or without external
stores are the same. The aircraft abruptly whips
into an inverted spin when the necessary conditions
are established: forward elevator control developing
a negative load factor while the aircraft is simulta-
neously yawing and rolling to an inverted attitude. A
fully developed inverted spin occurs within one turn.
The spin is relatively flat at a fast rate: 3 seconds
per turn with an altitude loss of 800 to 1500 feet per
turn. Rate of descent will vary from 16,000 to 30,000
feet per minute. Aircraft, pitch oscillations vary
between 20 to 50 degrees nosedown while bank oscil-
lations vary between 30 degrees left and right wing
down about an inverted attitude. Negative load factors
of 0.5 to 1. Og have been experienced during an
inverted spin. '
If an inadvertent confirmed spin occurs
below 10,000 feet AGL, eject. Recovery
from a fully developed spin below 10,000
feet is considered doubtful since 5000 to
7000 feet are required to complete recovery
with proper application of the controls.
Recovery from an inadvertent incipient spin
may be accomplished with altitude losses
varying from 0 to 7000 feet, depending upon
how fully developed the spin becomes.
Spin Recovery
Experience has shown that neutralization of all flight
controls will facilitate recovery during the inCipient
phase (uncontrolled flight immediately after a fully
developed stall). Application of spin recovery con-
trols during the incipient phase greatly increases the
probability of spin entry. Therefore, the first step
in any spin recovery is to make certain that the air-
craft is actually in a spin.
The large pitch and roll attitude changes combined
with high yaw rates make it difficult for the pilot to
determine from the outside view whether the aircraft
is spinning erect or inverted. The most positive spin
direction and type of spin indicators are the turn
needle and angle of attack. The turn needle always
indicates the direction of rotation. The angle of
attack indicates whether the spin is erect or inverted:
O-units angle of attack for inverted spin; 30-units
angle of attack for erect spin.
External stores do not affect the recovery procedure
from an erect or inverted spin. Considerable angular
momentum is developed during a spin. Recovery
control application may be required to be held for up
to two turns during the faster flat erect spins.
The control should be held full in the recovery pOSi-
tion until the spin rotation has stopped. Recovery
from even the most adverse spin has occurred within
two turns after proper recovery control was applied
and maintained.
Erect Spin
The recovery technique from an erect spin is brisk
application of full rudder pedal deflection against the
spin (opposite direction of the turn needle) followed
by neutral application of elevator and aileron control
stick deflections. If spin rotation does not stop
within 2 turns, a flat spin has developed. Brisk
application of full aileron control stick deflection
with the spin (same direction as the turn needle) and
full aft elevator control stick deflection must be
applied, while maintaining full opposite rudder pedal
, deflection against the spin, to stop the spin rotation.
Neutralize all controls when spin rotation stops. The
aircraft will be in a nosedown attitude and a diving
pullout should be made to build up airspeed to accom-
plish complete recovery from the spin. An altitude
loss of 4000 to 5000 feet will occur in the recovery.
Inverted Spin
The recovery technique from an inverted spin is brisk
application of full aileron control stick deflection
against the spin (opposite direction of the turn needle)
with simultaneous application of full rudder pedal
deflection against the spin (same direction as aileron).
Elevator control stick position is not critical in an
inverted spin; therefore, a neutral position is rec-
ommended. The ailerons are the primary recovery
control and aircraft response will occur in the form
of roll in the direction of the applied aileron. Spin
rotation abruptly stops as the aircraft rolls around
to an erect nosedown attitude. Neutralize all con-
trols when it is recognized that spin rotation has
stopped and make a diving pullout to build up air-
speed to accomplish complete recovery. A loss of
altitude of 5000 to 7000 feet will occur in the
Stabilizer Trim
Stabilizer trim setting will not delay stopping the yaw
and rotation rate of the spin. However, noseup trim
settings greater than approximately 9 degrees may
cause the aircraft to enter an accelerated stall during
dive pullout, subsequent to spin recovery. A stabi.-
lizer trim range of 0 to 4 degrees aircraft noseup IS
recommended. Do not delay applying spin recovery
controls to retrim aircraft.
Dive Recovery
Following spin recovery, airspeed will increase I
rapidly because of the aireraft nose-low attitude.
Altitude loss can be minimized by use of the angle-
of-attack indicator. Smooth noseup elevator should
be applied as the airspeed increases through approxi-
mately 250 knots to attain and maintain 20 units angle
of attack with power added as required to maintain
250 knots throughout the recovery. This will pro-
vide for minimum altitude loss with the minimum
stall margin. Twenty units angle of attack is difficult
to fly without overshooting. Seventeen units or lower
angle of attack is easier to fly and should be used
when terrain clearance is not critical.