There are some big hitters that could heed that advice...the big red one is a worry.
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The City of Bell scandal in Los Angeles allowed some pensions to be revoked or reduced Google that one if you want an amazing read about LOTFAP.
Latest thinking is you need around $2 million to retire at 65 in a major Australian city. Most folks who use only the employer contributions and no salary sacrificed funds will not be warm to this number after 45 years of contributions.
$2 million will take some accumulating. I'm not a low income earner by any means, and am maximising tax effective super contributions, as well as accumulating managed funds. Barring inheritance (hopefully not anytime soon) by my calculations I may not hit that figure. Still, if I can't do it, i can't see there will be (m)any others who will manage it.
I told my sons to go to 20% contribution rate.
Latest thinking is you need around $2 million to retire at 65 in a major Australian city. Most folks who use only the employer contributions and no salary sacrificed funds will not be warm to this number after 45 years of contributions.
We have Advanced Health Directives in place to tell the health authorities how we wish to be treated should we suffer a catastrophic health event. This will allow for pain relief and stopping life extending treatments. I had thought each State Government had promoted this but apparently it is a Western Australian Health Department initiative.
Needless to say, perhaps, but my GP embraced me with open arms when I initiated the subject of an AHD - and I'm still as healthy and fit as a mallee bull.
Yeah, hence your goading me up Hyanu Picchu. I swear you were trying to get me to have a coronary. Fit as a mallee bull I am not (the wine drinkers forum, refers)!