ATO (tax office) payments by credit card

Maybe another silly question but is it also feasible to use a Aus Amex to pay the ATO. Does ATO payment count towards Aus AMEX minimum spend? or perhaps it has a reduced reward rate?
I just went through this and you can pay the ATO with amex as it's a 1.45% surcharge.

Whether you get points for it or not will depend on which card you use. Depending on the type, some will get full reward points ($1 spend for 1 point), some may get only a portion ($1 spend for 0.5 point) and some you might not get anything at all.

As for minimum spend, is this to satisfy an amount to get sign-up bonus points - is this what you're referring to?
Just received a letter from the Dragon saying redemption rates from Amplify to KrisFlyer are dropping from 2:1 to 3:1 - had this been announced previously? Seriously reduces the value prop of this card now.
Does it affect Velocity TFs too? Any chance you can scan letter (removing your personal details) and post?
That's disappointing. Was going to hold onto ST George card post home loan refinance. I think I will put it up for one of the closures if the lender asks for it. I think I'll just stick to my Westpac card (so that's one less I need to keep a track of) - assuming St George will change all redemption rates to match Parent Westpac's in due course. Monthly points capping is next. Let's enjoy these cards before they match everyone else's points capping policies. Shame about Beem. Might move my St George points to CX even though I swore I wouldn't use them anymore - KF is great but I prefer not to have the three year clock ticking until I've identified a redemption.
HSBC is capped at $3,000 monthly spend before the earn rate halves. Hard to justify a high AF when earn rate steps back so soon. I guess that's par for the course now but previously, we could justify high fees due to a high earn rate. I know everyone's reason for choosing a card migh differ so YMMV.
What is the next best Visa/MC card now for points? I am devasted with this devaluation of Dragon.
What points are you looking for? Bonus point offerings in the QF world are slim pickings at the moment. Hoping there'll be some start-of-financial-year promotions.
To keep the discussion in one place, I've moved some posts about the upcoming devaluation to the St George Amplify Rewards transfer rate to KrisFlyer to the dedicated thread on that topic. Please continue the discussion about the St George change here:

Hi, all, I'm aware that Sniip (and similar services) can be used to pay companies and the ATO. However, can it be used to pay business that you would otherwise pay via bank transfer? (I'm assuming it's a no but would like to confirm.)
If you mean businesses like tradies who don't have BPay or credit card facilities but provide BSB & A/c details, I don't think Sniip can do anything other than BPay payments right now but there are a fair few other business which do facilitate such payments (though at a higher rate than Sniip). I use - there are a number of others. Best to do your research and try a few out to decide which works best for you. As always, YMMV.
If you mean businesses like tradies who don't have BPay or credit card facilities but provide BSB & A/c details, I don't think Sniip can do anything other than BPay payments right now but there are a fair few other business which do facilitate such payments (though at a higher rate than Sniip). I use - there are a number of others. Best to do your research and try a few out to decide which works best for you. As always, YMMV.
Many thanks for your confirmation, information, and speed of reply.

Just to confirm, is mainly for business-to-business payments and not for personal payments? E.g. Using your example of paying a tradie for a job they just completed.
Hi, all, I'm aware that Sniip (and similar services) can be used to pay companies and the ATO. However, can it be used to pay business that you would otherwise pay via bank transfer? (I'm assuming it's a no but would like to confirm.)
I use Sniip and they say we'll be able to pay bank accounts within the next few months
Thanks for sharing the online availability. I had t thought about that. Was there a specific link/page where we find them? Potentially silly question I know …