I just found this post and was going to pay a ATO bill with sniip.
I joined, and was about to process the bill, but then noticed that the 'figures' on the app did not match the amount on the web page.
I reached out to them on the online chat, below is the response.
I would suggest all using this App CHECK THE FIGURES before paying any bills/commission.
ME: Hi there, I've just joined, but your online calculator does not match the app.
Supplier: Good morning, welcome to Sniip!thanks.please hold for a moment while I take a look at this.
ME: sure.
Supplier: thank you for bringing this to our attention, I shall raise this with our Tech Team for further investigation.
ME: Thanks. So I'm assuming the app (GST) part is correct, and your online one is wrong? What is the 0.20% of? sorry ignore that...2% of original bill. BUT... gst is 10%, so how is this GST? It's not 10% of processing fee either..10% of $1952.55 = $195.255 (not $196.24 as above)
Supplier: that is a great question.I have raised this with our Tech Team as well.we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.and I will try to give you an update once our Tech Team revert on this.
ME: This does not seem to be an inconvenience, but an issue where you are potentially charging more than you should.
Supplier: sorry for the delayed response, I was trying to explain the the matter to our Tech Team on this.ok.
ME: I would suggest that you send a message out to all customers that the value in the applicaiton is not correct.
I'm not sure if this is fraud or not, but some may see it as that.
Supplier: I have raised this with my managers, and they will get back to you on this.