So really your concern is that there are not enough people to check that people are abiding by the rules, and you don’t want to add more to that mix?
I can understand that line of thinking, but it’s really all a moot point now - there are tens of thousands of known COVID positive people just in NSW alone who are being “trusted” to quarantine at home. When daily positives are over 1000, plus who know how many close and casual contacts, it really does not make a lot of difference if several hundred people a day, let alone a week, are also “trusted“ to home quarantine. The vast majority of people in HQ do not have COVID. The number of cases being reported each day in hotel quarantine is incredibly low, often just 1 or 2 and some days none at all. Once upon a time, that may have mattered - because even 2 cases was 2 more than the community had. Personally, I think that even that risk threshold was too risk averse, but I accept that others disagree.
But now, it honestly does not matter at all whether NSW reports 1200 or 1202 cases. Those extra 2 cases pose no additional risk to the community. I’d even say it doesn’t much matter whether Vic posts 92 or 94 cases a day either. There is no reason therefore to keep running HQ at least in VIC and particularly NSW, which is still doing, and always has done, the lion’s share of it.