Its good to Lookback from time to time. (2 months)
1) Yes - QLD nailing borders shut work. VIC not so much. There will be other variants.
2) Every metric is falling in NSW. Though Reff might be starting to creep up - can only look back on a 5-7 day period. Lockdown ended for 2Jab people. CovidZero is not policy anymore
3) Yes the 1100 am freakshow has ended. People will continue to die from other causes. Lots of talk about people with comorbidities being more at risk of dying from Covid but politicians do not dare fat -shaming but continually shame everyone else.
4)Everyone vaxxed and unvaxxed mixing in Woolies/coles/Aldi and Bunnings/Mitre 10 - as they have throughout the pandemic
5)Domestic Vax Cert and Internal Vax certs
6)Getting there, excess of jabs compared to people wanting jabs. AZ production to end
7)Whats the point of grinning behind a mask?

. Most people have had enough. Most politicians now know they have used their last bullet.
8)1 month earlier for NSW. 2 weeks earilier for AUS
9)Unvaxxed are already let loose now despite the 1Dec - no one is checking Vax Cert at entrance to shopping malls - especially Westfield. Ive had to only show Vax cert once since Oct18
10)No one is letting it rip. Its a gradual return to normality. That was a journalist comment looking for a headline. I dont think NSW falls into the "Let it rip" category.
12)Its still happening and people still getting positive but becoming less relevant in many places. India no longer overwhelmed. In other places, politics of the pandemic still playing out.
13)WA premier doing
Nudge politics. Walked back reclassifying QLD from low risk to very low risk. Also trying to entice unvaxxed people with a free sausage sanger at Bunnings.. 59% at the moment. Even lost PER to DRW re QF787. But the electorate apparently backs him