Yes with the changes at twitter it is remarkable what is being released with the US government and Pfizer actively pursuing the censoring of information that indeed wasn't wrong such as natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity. common sense really. vaccination produces antibodies to the antigen presented but natural immunity can produce antibodies to all the viral antigens.
Why did this matter? Well prioritising those who hadn't had Covid in the at risk groups getting vaccinated first. just for one.
But there may be developements down the track that will reduce the need for frequent boosters. A new form of treatment called nanobodies. these have been around for some time with people trying to discover ways to use them. here is one article on what they are.
This planet is home to countless species, some more well-known than the others. While we have developed many techniques to be able to interrogate some of the “omics”, proteomics is becoming recognized as a very important part of the puzzle, given ...
But there is a new paper out using aerosolised nanobodies against Covid in mice by nasal administration. It has been shown to be effective in preventing disease or after exposure to the virus dramatically decreasing it's replication hence much less severe disease. As it is in a puffer can be used outside of a health care setting. Still some way before it is trialed on us humans.
Liu et al. isolate two nanobodies (R14 and S43) and construct their multivalent derivatives with increased potencies and breadth against SARS-CoV-2 variants. Particularly, decameric R14, maintaining similar activities after aerosolization, efficiently prevents BA.2 infections in both pre- and...