The thing with the forced payment for hotel quarantine...
They are forcing interstate/international arrivals to go somewhere the government picks and get made to pay excessive amounts, with no way to make it cheaper (eg, by ordering your own food via supermarket delivery) and not being allowed to leave said location of the governments choosing for a given time. This could be seen as wrongful imprisonment. Because they might have Covid.
Meanwhile, someone tests positive and they are allowed to return home. The only government forced imposition on them is that they are not allowed to leave their home. They get to choose where they will spend their isolation period and they are not being forced to pay for it. They do have Covid.
Might have = $$$$.
Do have = ....
No one should be getting forced to stay anywhere of the governments choosing then be made to pay for it, unless it can be shown that the person in question can not or will not follow an at home self isolation directive, in which case, that person who won't follow the directive can then be taken to a location of the governments choosing for the isolation period and be made to pay for it. Both arrivals and new resident cases.
Those 100 odd people in Melbourne who could not be contacted by the health department and were then found not to be at home. They get off with a smallish fine and get to stay home.
Send them to the quarantine hotel and make them pay.